Thursday, January 31, 2008

All is Good

A very nice, but full Thursday! We had manageable numbers for the 9:15am class so we doubled up and circuited - very nice!!! Mike and Monica you did not report in on your absence from class? What's up with that - not acceptable.....We had 7 in the BB class - Mom you kicked butt, watch the looks you may end up with the same status as your son-in-law, "banned" and I don't care if you do drive from Canton - I the boss - you can punish me later - LOL....My 12:30pm group also got a taste of the tire, ropes, cage and bell - good thing I'm out of town next Thursday - my ears are so burning....I plan to get my butt up to get kicked by Molly at 6am - why in the world I am still up is beyond me. I planned to go to bed an hour and half ago, but apparently my keyboard is attached - ridiculous. Tomorrow I have the silly VCS girls - so fun...not sure how I plan to torture them!