Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ryan and The BBOM Crew!

Thank you Ryan for all of your support at BBOM! Our Russian Red 24kg is in good hands....
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Monday, October 12, 2009

Pressing the 20kg

This was a few weeks ago!!!!! YEA baby!
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Monday, September 21, 2009

RKC September 2009 Certification St. Paul

Molly, Pavel and Me!!!! Molly assisted Kenneth Jay and I Dan John....
Team Dan John....Jeff, Lora, Steve, Will, Cory, Adam, Matt, Jason, Lionel, Steve, Jennifer, John....TR, Dustin and I assistants to Dan!
Tod I am so very proud of you! It's been a pleasure training/working with you to prepare for this past weekend! You did BBOM proud! Look out Fairview Park another proud RKC is gonna put the hurt on you!!!!
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Slacker Am I....seriously come on

Soooooooooooooooo I promised I was back blogging and then NOTHING....wassup......well I could give you the million excuses, but everyone's gottem and they all plain stink (a Bobism) I'll just give it to you straight Haven't felt like it.....LAZY summer butt! The workshop was GREAT - thank you again for all who attended - you rock! Classes/training have been strong....everyone hating me due to tactical frogs (open the hips baby - where the power lies).....Best of Luck to Ryan Rao on his Huge golf turney starting this Sunday (Junior PGA).....Heading on the road to vacation - Northern cell access so you may not hear from me for awhile as I'll be swingin away (iron that is) as well as pulling myself up on anything i can think of (damn pull-up) amongst the squirrels and birdies (whole lot of nature where we goin - not that kind of chic, but I do have a bed and running water so I'm set).....Peace out

Friday, July 3, 2009

Kettlebell Workshop

I am sooooo looking forward to a low key weekend (Very Thankful it's this week at this time....I learned a lot, but am so thankful to be sitting here dirt, sweat and smell free...for the moment at least).....Recovered this week well....rolling strong by Wednesday.....ok sorta strong.....where are all you people for yoga???? Come on it's tough stuff - need the flexibility - you'll be stronger.....Heading to Canton to see family tonight - yippeeee.....and I to bring my older two rats I mean jems (so joking) home......think they'll be thankful cuz my mom means business (they think I'm strict - I learned from the best I say....). Next Saturday, 7/11/09, BBOM is holding it's 2nd Kettlebell Workshop with David Whitley (IronTamer) and Doug Nepodal....gonna be cool....still spots to anyone. Invest in your body it will thank you!!!!! Contact me with any questions! Happy Fourth.....Power to you....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday again...

Sooo I really didn't want to get up and workout REALLY why not (slacker Ha), but I drug myself out of bed to do yoga....still feel a bit like a noodle but an improvement from the weekend Semi flattening - no pain no game (hate that saying, but damn it's true)....Dropped the kiddos and off to work for the first beat down....Whitley's Furnace workout - NICE.....swings and get ups timed....light bell is the recommendation - don't listen and you will pay...all about choices....everyone looked scared to death cuz they know when we return from a training/cert it's never good - FRESH ideas, Back to basics, Form, Punishment - all good....everyone did great, but then again not much talking! Homework: abdominal breathing, walking around the house on toes and then heels without bending knees - try it....easier said than done....worked in the afternoon on paperwork and bills (good times there). Lost the 2nd child (my 8 year old is seriously in his own world....good boy, but on his own agenda....) in the hood - found him...wanted to beat him instead made him read (NICE).....promised Bob I would train him (didn't think it would happen as he always bags out, but damn if he wasn't serious....form good - don't tell him that though his head might grow). Dinner, baths, bed, smores in the oven (gross - 2 batches burned - not a country girl)....HOUSE condition - still a disaster....

Monday, June 29, 2009


I'm back blogging.....yipppeee! Just got back home from an Amazing weekend in St.Paul for RKC II....Meeting David Whitley, Kenneth Jay, Jeff O'Connor, Brad Nelson, The Snideman's, Sara Cheatham, Will Williams, Adam Glass (my buds George and Phil) and of course seeing Pavel and my team leader Andrea Ducane again was unbelievable in addition to many others from across the country and world....the amount of knowledge between head is body (oh we won't go there right now)....I'm excited to share everything I've learned....we have a lot of kettlebell work to do at BBOM in Medina, OHIO in order to continue to perfect our skills....I unfortunately did not get any pics to share due to timing which bumbs me out(we were on the field by 8:30am until 1:15pm back at 2pm and not done until 7pm....dinners by 8pm and drop in bed....oh and in between did I mention I was scrambling to pump as I'm still breastfeeding Lilly who is now 5 1/2 months - I am CRAZY I me the thoughts crossed my mind many times. I even text my parents to ask WHY....WHY these genes, Mom blamed it on Dad and he of course on her....Stubborn, Determined - NUTS).....hopefully Dragondoor will post some cool pics (of course Christine was my partner...totally respect her for her strength and ability she's sharp and talented...but why on EARTH did I have to be partnered with the HOTTY in the group....nuf said check the pics and you'll see....I must have reminded her 52 times I just had my FOURTH baby 5 months ago and she would look at me like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO your point....not making excuses.....The point is I CAN HANG even though I'm a mom of a fleet....and occasionally soil my undergarments (if you're a MOM you so know - word).....IT'S ALL GOOD.....Stay tuned PROUD RKC!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

First Ever BBOM Advanced Kettlebell Seminar

BBOM will be hosting the first ever ADVANCED kettlebell workshop from 10:00am-2:00pm on Saturday April 4th taught by Senior RKC Doug Nepodal! We're very excited to host this event and to have Doug back for a day!!!! Please contact Doug or myself for additional information.

Please note we'll have 1 kettlebell class on Saturday April 4th from 8:30am-9:30am.

I am very glad to be back at BBOM (started the beginning of this month - man how time flies)! Lilly is almost 3 months and growing like a weed!!! Brothers are still crazy about her and moooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee than helpful - LOL!!!!

I'm doing my best to get back into shape - Swing, swing and more swings.....I'm sore no doubt, but feeling really well!

I'm back..................yipppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Lillian Kathryn

The Dudley's are proud to welcome Lilly Kathryn to our family. She was born this afternoon. Weighing in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. and measuring 21 inches long. Everyone is doing well.

Mom is really happy that she finally has someone that doesn't want to watch football in the house!

(Posted by Lilly's favorite Uncle)

Monday, January 5, 2009

This is it!

Hope everyone had a GREAT Holiday - we sure did!!!! I know it's been awhile since I last posted, but wanted to let you know we're scheduled tomorrow for a c-section at 1:30pm - wild to think baby#4 will be here tomorrow at this time! We're excited, anxious - can't believe it! We have an amnio first thing to double check lung development (I'm 37 weeks) and if thumbs up we're scheduled at 1:30pm......We'll keep you posted! Oh yeah, my brother in law helped me get up with the times and I'm officially on Facebook - still have no clue....but between blogging and facebooking I'm exhausted! Love and kisses to all of you....