Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Mama

My Goodness it's been nuts! Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but with The Holiday I can't seem to get back on track....this is also my last week of 3 nights as Molly is returning to work next week. It's been fun training different nights, but I'm ready to go back to two nights - a lot less hectic, especially since Bob has been out of town too much! An additional night doesn't seem like a lot on paper, but add 3 kids, 2 dogs and traveling husband which equates to tired Mama, dirty house, no clean underwear....need I say more!!!! Anyway, The Holiday weekend was great - pretty low key which was nice....Mr. Mike called in yesterday when he wasn't going to make it to class (thank you)....Kelli (caved and bought new kicks at Second Sole - green and white flashy comfy, tie things) and Christa did GREAT last night.....KB class outside tonight was rough - basics baby and lot's of swings, especially one handed with the belly slap - love that....Tom brought me his sausage tonight (sausage and Kraut - excellent cook) as Tina and he are taking the summer off - delicious - LOL....he's made nuts for me too and given me chocolate kisses - this training thing is pretty cool ...Full Plate tomorrow so you may not hear from me until Friday.....Bob laughs - WOW hon I don't know how you do it - your hours are just insane.....oh what does he know anyway cuz if Mama ain't happy nobody's happy.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Slow Day

Up at the crack of dawn to get kids ready for Mom's with Muffins at school....dropped Max off at 7:30am and headed to Heritage....very busy and fun (My kids ditched me to be with their friends so I said bye and left.....found out later they were upset - Sam even crying because they couldn't find me and said I didn't say goodbye....boys, men - they never hear us.....I would never do that)! I left to head into work, but Mr. Ken called and canceled at the last minute so I did banking and went to KMart (nothing else is open at 8:15am). I've always hated that store and still do, but I still managed to spend $$$$$ - that's never a problem! Had 8 in class at 9:15am.....warmed up with swings and again did participant choice - everyone was way too nice so I had to throw in bear crawls, push ups and few other exercises.....Mike, Stacey, Monica and Kim (3rd class) showed up at 10:30am....Monica was in rare form - Mr. Mike's face Red - we'll leave it at that (Ms. Kim wasn't sure what to think).....They all did a nice job and mixed TRX in very well! Amy, Aimee and Haley were all business at 12:30pm - TRX and KB....nice job! Impressive strength by all.....I am actually off tonight (YIPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE) as Alex has a soccer game...Dar is covering now that Heather is done - thank you so much!!!! Bob has been out all week and will be home tonight - everyone very happy about that!!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


AHHHHHHH....hump day - the cleaning, stay home, pay bills, attempt organization day....actually Max and I did get a lot done - cleaned, laundry, paperwork, played....stayed in pj's all day - so nice! Got a mini workout in, hopped in the shower (trust me you should be thankful for that), homework,, Nancy and MaryLou kicked it in full gear with KB - Sally said she was a noodle and toast (12kg baby - nice)....14 rolled in for class - Chuck brand new and Mr. Todd came back (an hour early - eager for the excitement - thankful he came back yet again).....We did a "Student Choice" Class - they all either had a really bad day or I'm way too nice cuz they literally hammered each other from snatches to bear crawls to TGU's to MP's to Halo's to Windmills to the golf swing to straight arm pull overs to Good Mornings to throw downs to a high pull, clean, squat combo to push ups - Holy Balls....ended of course with planks and stretching oh my....Tom and Tina showed up and announced they're laying us off for the summer - didn't see that curve ball - ouch! They're so fun and will be far I'm doing a pretty good job running the one on one clients away - my partners just keep shaking their heads - I am nice I think.....Ms. tie shoe showed up (white leather Nike's - silver swoosh - HOT).....She was a trooper - sore from Monday, but came back (so far I'm 2 for 2, however, she did pay ahead so I was pretty confident she wouldn't let me down)....Kelli did a nice job on her "crotch Swingers" as she calls them ie swings and appeared to be gaining confidence with TRX (only assured her 52.5 times it would not rip out of the wall per Mr. Pete AKA BBOM Handyman).....Many thanks to all of you who have posted reviews for me on dragondoor, especially Meredith this week - I really appreciate it!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My 8:15am canceled and re-scheduled for Friday so it gave me a little extra time this morning (a good thing since Max was tired from the day before and not on the more cooperative side as usual)....Class rolled in by 9:15am - we stayed in due to the 50 degrees temp (ridiculous Ohio)....Started with Z-health, lots of body and sumo squats.....swing combinations (totaling 100 - very nice).....C&P 3X3 then heavier C&PP 3X3 -Darlene, Roseanne, Monica, Laura, Lauren, Andrea, Mike, Tom, Trish, Haley, Stacey - ROCKED it with heavier bells....They surprised and underestimated their own strength by miles - Impressive......Dolores, Toni, Molly and Andrea did a great job in the 2nd class - mixed in some TRX - lunges, etc....I was supposed to meet my girlfriend for lunch, but she wasn't able to at the last minute....I cleaned the gym and headed to Home Depot (since the sun came out and warmed us up to about 60ish)....I walked in and there she was attempting to hide behind an 18 foot tree she was returning - MIA Ursula! She even had her workout clothes on, but said she flat out missed it, wanted to, tried to - BUSTED BIG!!!! Anyway, she'll be back Thursday with bells on....Picked up flowers (ran into one of my former employees at Quiznos - hate those Damn Awkward moments - you know the kind when you really wish the earth would open up and swallow you - yeah well it didn't)....ran to Marc's for food - tired of the testosterone dominated house Complaining about the lack of food - try water it may fill you up and it's cheap???? Soccer Taxi tonight.....sweet dreams....Kelli you better have your junky tie shoes on tomorrow night - dust em off girl.....gittiup

Monday, May 19, 2008


We had a great weekend - pretty low key for us - So very nice! We spent a lot of time together as a family and got a lot done around the if the weather would cooperate it would be even better! I took class at 6am with Darlene - She did awesome! Flew home - packed lunches, kids on bus, baby dressed and off to Canton for my dentist appointment (insane but where I grew up - say no more).....did errands and had lunch with my folks - Max played and had a ball....Flew back to Medina, homework, to work - 5:30pm class outside with 9 victims....all did well! Meredith and Angie came back and bought cards - sweet! Lots of swings, squats, burpees, rack, farmer, waiter....lunges.....Bob taught 6:30pm - 14 in total.....Z-health, swings (lots), several combos, walking swings, throw potato......squats oh my....Gary brought his friend Todd (who did great), but was 93% sure he was going to puke - came close, but kept it together.....Fur Ladies at 7:30pm - rare form as usual and Kelli at 8:30pm - she did a super job (doesn't own one pair of tie shoes - gave her a coupon for second sole and said don't come back Wednesday without having tie shoes on - LOL).....

Thursday, May 15, 2008


It's Ohio - enjoy the sunshine while you can.....a little chilly, but we were out at 9:15am and 10:30am....A new sitter on board so I was happy - she showed up which was even better! We did the doubles outside and headed in early for Core "crap" - not sure why or how that slipped out in class, but it did (by the end of the week it's anyone's game).....impressed by everyone's strength, especially form - unreal....gonna have to start u-tubing....Had my small group at 12:30pm - did KB doubles and a circuit outside - really cool.....worked TRX, EDT (dumbbell snatches for 15min) and circuit.....NICE....Fur Ladies at 7:30pm - lots of wore a shirt that said "Tubby" - too funny.....Mr. Pete popped in to fix the vaccuum - you the best! Gonna try really hard to get a run in with the girls in the morning (Please God don't let me turn the alarm off)....VCS at 9:15am and cleaning thereafter - gittiup another week down....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Not much going on today - got a lot done around the house (always seem to be playing catch up these days).....planned for more, but that's always the way it works.....too much on the list and not enough time in the day - imagine that! Sally, MaryLou and Pat showed up at 5:15pm - love them - they make me laugh!!!! Sally sprained her ankle so we did a lot with the ball and kb.....they all worked very hard....Class started rolling in, one newbie, lots of veterans and kids too in babysitting - yea!!! We worked doubles: swings, squats, MP, Renegade, deadlift.....very nice....planks to end! Nice to see Colleen, Greg and Lyn - made them sweat - nice work by all....ended with a group at 7:30 who make me laugh ALWAYS......Bob said the workout was hard (he was doing 32's - quit whining) - LOl!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Got up and moving as I had to get 3 boys ready and be out the door by 8am - all worked perfect....Met Ms. Kim for her 2nd session....she was very sore last week, but came back for more and did a really GREAT job....She is so Strong - impressive.....keep working girl - each week will get better.....Class rolled in, 14 in all.....a little stressful as the babysitter was confused yet again (so frustrating)....Andrea was gracious enough to hang with the kids until she rolled in on two wheels.....Thank you for your help A.....We were outside as the weather was perfect......We partnered up (one doing a lap while the other working on a specific exercise, c&p, swings, good morning....). Bob was brand new and hung in like a veteran - nice job....The class finally said hey don't take your frustration out on us - we showed up the sitter didn't - be mad at her - LOL!!!!! Monica called everyone P_ _ _ _ _ for cheating on the side step swings (not starting where they should have - gutter to the sidewalk).....Oh it's never a dull moment at BBOM! 6 rolled in for 10:30am - Sandy and Dolores you guys rock (Sandy thanks for the nice review - I'm #7 baby....if you're reading this and haven't submitted one for me - COME ON....Thank you also Andrea and Rozeanne).....Rachel just got back from her honeymoon - yea!!!! Ms. Kim (a newbie - thanks to Lisa) did great!!!! Thank you Mr. Mike for getting the water - we love you! We celebrated a girlfriends birthday at Thyme for lunch, errands, home, homework, soccer taxi, American Idol, Blog, Bed.....Tuesday's a Wrap - good times.....

Monday, May 12, 2008


So first let's back up (I apologize I've been MIA).....Last Thursday my classes and groups did great! We didn't have class Thursday night due to Open House at School and a Rangers soccer game (they won and Alex scored - beautiful shot from the left)! Friday morning we had the VCS group - all did great! Mary Kay brought her husband and Shannon joined us so Heather could have an hour break....very fun - all worked hard! I taught Saturday morning at 8am - fun, big group - lots of taping and belly aching with the hands....snatches, swings, squats and more - all timed! Dar taught at 9am and did FANTASTIC!!! We were outside for the first part and in for the second - she's a pro! I learned a lot - great to be back in class (yes I WAS DYING - quit laughing it's not funny)....We had soccer Saturday (it's our life)....Sunday we hit Church and then headed to Kalahari Waterpark in Sandusky....We joined Bob's family from Michigan.....I got to go to the Spa for some Mommy time while Bob and the kids hit the waterpark.....Max hated the water and screamed the entire time if put down - that was unexpected....this could potentially be a very LONG summer.....We had lots of good food, laughs....just nice to get away for a night!!!! Dar taught 5:30pm tonight and did great as usual - so nice to see Jim and Sue back - Jennifer too....I planned to take the class, but forgot I had 4 brand new moms coming - oops - soooo I trained them while Dar handled the veterans.....Bob jumped in and taught 6:30pm so I could train - nice to have Robin and Barb back - sort of wished I taught cuz I WAS DYING.....TGU's, swings, figure 8's, squat flip, clean and presses - oh my.....The Fur Ladies showed up - quiet tonight, but all worked very hard! One of them makes jewelry for fun and made me the most beautiful necklace with three green stones for Mother's Day - so very humbling......I had just a Great Mother's Day!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Soooo Happy

In pj's all day - busted out cleaning, catching up, returning these kind of days when you really feel like you've crossed a lot off the list.....Headed into work at 5:15pm for my fun group - MaryLou showed up (guilted her from the salon), Sally and Pat - they all worked hard (complaining cuz they "Dewy" - LOL) with the bells and balls.....20 rolled in for class and Bob was up to the plate (with his DuPain Goddess Shirt)....Dar popped in to help and did great (she's back - looks great - did great - check out the bulletin board)....I thought I was going to DIE - I was a sweaty hog - attempting not to puke in front of my group.....4 months off from class SUCKS, but look out I have help and am BACK!!!!! I'm very excited!!!!! Bob did Super - proud of him (not happy with his new found gymboss, bossy power - damn timer).....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Beautiful Day

I was bummed I hit my alarm off this morning, but figured it was best as I'm starting a cold and feel like crap.....took it easy today and feel much better tonight.....I trained a new client at 8:15am - very sweet and did a SUPER job! She's trying to get back on track after a very long exercise free vacation.....proud of her for making the call, showing up and promising she'll be back - I'll keep you posted! A BEAUTIFUL day - outside without newbies - both classes small and quaint = hard core work and attention to details! Poor Lisa got busted - told her friend she was going to a Tupperware party and had to cancel her hair appt when really she was coming to KB -her friend drove by and yelled out the window - oops....what are the chances....I told her to make it up to her by offering to pay for her to attend kb class - lol! Everyone worked very hard - so proud of not only your dedication to KB, but your form - outstanding.....we have some reeeallllyyyy strong chickies in Medina......Mr. Mike the girls missed you - all asked where you were - 25 burpees for not reporting in.....headed to VCS for work on the hair - they're remodeling and the place looks amazing! The new t-shirts by Sportsworld (our good friend Ameena) are really cool too - love the hair as usual.......completed homework and hit the road to round up boys for soccer practice in Cleveland.....Sam, Max and I had a picnic for dinner (I picked up a Southwest Salad fromMcdonald's - Hailey told me about and I'm hooked - they're great) while watching the boys practice - very fun.....We then explored the metro parks....Talked to Darlene on the way home (she got home from Denmark) - She passed (only one of 4 who passed their snatch test the first day) with flying colors......we're very proud of her - an amazing experience! Baths, showers, bed.....

Monday, May 5, 2008

A First For Everything...

It was a little crazy last week so I'm sorry I have not posted.....Busy with work, kids, soccer, home, bills, spring cleaning - yaddaaaa yadddaa - you all know the drill! Anyway, I've been able to get out and run with my buds (which has been really nice - wow am I SLOW though - my Ass is floppin and hittin my head - pathetic...).....I also got my 2nd KB class in on Saturday with Bob - he did great! I really wanted to puke and thought I was going to die, but I would never give him the satisfaction....We did another timed workout alternating between two different types of exercises from his RKC book (It didn't seem so hard when teaching in front of the class the hour before - LOL - no wonder the windows and mirrors were completely fogged up).....It felt great - so nice to be told what to do and not to think! We had two nice size classes tonight - outside of course - the weather beautiful! Chad was outnumbered in class 1, but held his own.....A Mother and Daughter showed up (spoke to them on the phone for awhile during the day), but bolted out the door as soon as I presented the Liability form saying sorry for your time we've changed our mind we don't want to do this.....WOW.....In 15 years I've seen and experienced a lot - have even had people leave 1/2 way through a class, but have never had them leave before starting - LOL! The 5:30pm class ragged on me so bad it wasn't even funny - nothing surprises me anymore. Both classes made several trips around the parking lot - back to the basics baby.....swings, cleans, farmers/waiters/rack walks, MP's, halos, squats.....push ups mixed with sling shot.......Becca made me laugh as she wouldn't let her husband Sean finish anything before her......Somehow the class got on a discussion about the size of their children at birth.....Sandy's son weighed 11lb 15oz and her daughter 9lb 10oz - Holy &^%* and I thought my beef cakes were big!!!! Ryan lost his car keys on the golf course at work yesterday - his car is still parked there....You all make me laugh....The fur ladies were hysterical - a funny therapy session.....Joann's mother is in a nursing home (suffering from Alzheimer's like my grandmother).....she tells Joann every time she sees her she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAT. I love you too Mom she says and still hears you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fat - not just fat, but you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mother hears the same thing.........Sad, but funny at the same time - have to keep it light. We shared many stories......Darlene passed RKC in Denmark with Flying colors!!! We're very proud and excited for her....she'll be home Wednesday! Looking forward to another fun-filled day tomorrow....