Thursday, May 15, 2008


It's Ohio - enjoy the sunshine while you can.....a little chilly, but we were out at 9:15am and 10:30am....A new sitter on board so I was happy - she showed up which was even better! We did the doubles outside and headed in early for Core "crap" - not sure why or how that slipped out in class, but it did (by the end of the week it's anyone's game).....impressed by everyone's strength, especially form - unreal....gonna have to start u-tubing....Had my small group at 12:30pm - did KB doubles and a circuit outside - really cool.....worked TRX, EDT (dumbbell snatches for 15min) and circuit.....NICE....Fur Ladies at 7:30pm - lots of wore a shirt that said "Tubby" - too funny.....Mr. Pete popped in to fix the vaccuum - you the best! Gonna try really hard to get a run in with the girls in the morning (Please God don't let me turn the alarm off)....VCS at 9:15am and cleaning thereafter - gittiup another week down....