Thursday, October 30, 2008

Long day

Up most of the night - nothing worse than a cold while pregnant - even worse when the husband is sick too (worse than the kids).....the alarm went off and I swore I just fell asleep - oy! Actually arrived early for class - 7 victims in all (Mr. Mike thank you for reporting in - much appreciated - hope you feel better)....We kicked off with JM, timed ladder swings 15 sec on/15 sec off, 30 sec on/30 sec off, 45 sec on/45 sec off, 1 min on/1 min off.....then proceeded to class choice - nice variety! Renegades, front squats, straight arm pull over, good morning, sling shot, Russian twist, throw downs....back to timed swings - this time starting with 1min and working down.....3 appeared for boomer - yea! So proud of Jen and Rose....Val (first timer) did great - very unsure, but handled everything well! Headed out for errands, teacher conferences, homework, dinner.....Pooped I tell ya! Hopefully a little rest tonight will do the body good! Looking forward to a day off tomorrow as well as trick or treat - Happy Halloween!!!! P.S. The kids are off school next Monday and Tuesday....I will be teaching kettlebell at 9:15am on Tuesday morning, but will probably send a message out that the 10:30am boomer class is canceled - there is no sitting and will most likely be slow as it's good child bonding time.......P.s.s Ms. Heather leaves tomorrow - we will miss her very much - not sure it's all really set in.....We love her and wish her well.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


BUUURRR.....kicked off the morning with the 6am kbers......they're dedicated and hard core....Nice job Janet, Judy, Marcy and Mark....We did a nice mix of this and that - a crazy nasty combo at the end.....not telling!!!! Off for the rest of the day, but sort of feeling under the weather as the 2yr olds cold is now mine too (Bob's as well - thas EVEN worse - BIGGEST BABY ever) so didn't accomplish a whole lot - oh well - sort of been the theme the whole week.....Molly and Dar covered tonight as we had a Halloween commitment with the boys......We had a nice time! Now the baby is doing triple front and back flips - can you say candy high - Halloween candy is !my weakness - oh the chocolate and variety - so hard to choose - even harder to stop!!! OH my......I will see you all tomorrow with bells on....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Proud of You!!!!

WOW! So blown away - 4 newbies this a.m. (Dan, Marco, Stephanie and Nikki....they all 4 did great) and 10 regulars - so wonderful to see you all!!!! Everyone killed it with the same W.O. as last night - the only difference - NO BURPEES....come on - seriously? No seriously I didn't catch any safety violations (just called Marco out for rolling his eyes - there on the back of my head as I'm the proud mother of 3.5 - lol).....Ms. Jen showed up for boomers - her 2nd round at KB - so proud of her for coming back (she didn't want too - still sore through yesterday.....were roping her in slowly but surely...). Lawrence appeared at 11:30am for his first one-on-one KB experience....He did fantastic - absolutely blown away as most are at the appearance of looking easy, but in actuality not so much! Looking forward to working with him possibly Thursday (depending on how he feels - LOL - we've all been there...). Headed to the polls to vote (don't want to drag the kids out next Tuesday as there is no school) and then to pick Max up early from the sitter (up last night with a bad cold).....never fails - took him to the Doc and just that a cold - thought for sure he had an ear infection (oh but the last 4 times we let him go and turned nasty)....I'll never be able to figure it out!!!! Off to bed early - up for the eeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrrrlllllllyyyyyyy birds in the a.m.!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

All in The REWARD

What a BUSY, but fun weekend...Monday rolls around and here we go - catch up here there and everywhere.....before I knew it the kids were off the bus, homework and off to work - NUTS! Everyone is starting to come out of the woodwork now that it's cold and rainy - yipppppeeeeee! So happy to have a full house!!!! Thank you Meredith for brining your friend Laurie (proud to be kettlecorning - lol....small world as we were at BGSU at the same time...oh she didn't remember me, but did my 6'6" husband when he appeared for class #2 - He played football right? Yep I was a groupy - that's my famous husband....LOL) and Dawn for bringing your boss (hope you still have a job - she walked in with the fear of death on her face and mouthed BE NICE PLEASE......LOL)! Judy called me out on email today claiming I failed to mention her as one of the V02 Max victims a few weeks back - so sorry bout that - yes you too killed it...Tell your husband Tom thanks for the nice review on Dragondoor - much appreciated! The second class rolled in and yet another super turn out....proud of you all.....Chad you make me laugh - a small 2 week sabbatical - sweat angels everywhere - looks of craziness - lots of grunting (between him and Bob - lots of noise).....Both classes were punished each with 20 burpees....class #1 called Mr. Dave out - said he better run after class or they soaping his car - LOL! If you're reading this for tomorrow - get up safety is key.....

3 bells lined up; light - medium - heavy....10 two handed swings one direction and then back = 1 set. 2 sets total. 120 swings in all.
10 body weight squats
5 goblet squats with each of 3 bells - down and back = 1 set or 30 squats
3 x3 bottom up clean - bell of choice
3x3 get up using a different size of bell for each set (hint - start heavy)
3x3 seated MP
2 sets of 10 push ups
2 sets of 5-7 straight arm pull-overs
2 sets of 10 renegade rows (5 each arm - alternating)
swing it again like the beginning.....
first class stood in rack, farmer and overhead position for 1 min each
second class did timed one arm planks, v-ups, hot potato and Russian twist.....

There are signs up in the gym and an email sent out if you received....class this Wednesday at 6:30pm is canceled. There is class at 5:30pm - thanks for understanding. Also check out the revised babysitting policy - morning and evening classes will require prior sign-up starting 11/1/08.......

Heard over the weekend from a reliable source another local gym (mentioning no names) appears to be saying we (BBOM) have no idea what we're doing - we're hurting people with kettlebells.......apparently they've never taken a class or clearly understand what exactly it takes to be Russian Kettlebell Certified - 23 hours of serious, no joke training.....There are 4 RKC's (practically unheard of in one location) at BBOM - we believe and take our work very seriously......Is Kettlebell hard - you better believe it, but guess what - the REWARD is even greater. Be Careful what you say.......and oh by the way kettlebells don't hurt people - people hurt people.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bags under the eyes

OH I did not want to get up this of those nights - slept great until 2:30am and then counted sheep until 5:30pm....tried the relaxation techniques, but baby dudley too busy bouncing off of my bladder, ribs and everything in between....Bob said I was snoring too - how dare he! 10 victims - Mr. Mike re-appeared (said he had an "L" day on Tuesday - lazy - lol), Darlene asked if I was trying to look slimmer in my all black training apparel - hey it's worth a try????? She said I'm loved cuz everyone teases me......My Akron girls were present - so nice to see Ms. Kris! Jeanine was bummed she couldn't sit up on the partner sit up drill - it's all good - it will come! They were punished with 30 burpees - cumulative.....everyone looked great overall! Rose and Jen showed up for 10:30am - so happy to have bodies - they did great - very fun! Hailey's group (only 3 today) worked really hard....Nancy not feeling well, Trish had to work and Angela had a sick child....the guy next door brought some food over to sample - they're getting closer to opening!!! The chef he hired is awesome......homework, dinner, clean up, play, catch up......4th dinner I've made this week - all new recipes - all BOMBS.......I'm done! A GREAT article was sent to me today from a friend from
Check it out! Very cool!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hump Day

Another day around the house - nice to finally get some things done! The accomplishment is great! Max and I, of course, played and since Bob has been working more from home it's been really nice to have lunch together - very fun! Headed in for work - 6 victims at 5:30pm and 1 at 6:30pm (you are all in my list - are you eating, sleeping, drinking, playing, working....wasssuuuppp) - all regulars - crunch time.....
3 sets 10 2 handed swing, 10 r, 10 l, 10 step forward/back with naked reverse TGU in between
3 sets of 5 cleans
3 sets of 6 dbl rack alternating lunges and 6 dbl rack front squats - ouch!
3 sets of 3-5 MP (focusing on tension, lat, proper breathing)
Ladder of suitcase deadlift 5-1
3 sets of renegade rows - alternating 5 each. Set two open up. Set three add a push-up.
Partner: 3 set of 3-5. Partner A holds ankles. Partner B safely rolls, pulls, shoots - sits up.
Had hoped for a NASTY 6 min man maker, but not enough time! week....
Stretched and out...

Lisa and Tressa were great - as always! Make me laugh to no end.....they worked their butt off...No incident's tonight as my super responsible sitter (wish he could live with us - he's like 15 going on 25 - so responsible, confident - pray my boys end up like him someday) who doesn't take any crap was on duty - so nice.....

Sweet dreams.....

It's All Good

I'm a day late - it's all good! Laura, Bonnie, Tod, Gary, Ursula, Aimee, Hailey and Mary all did a great job yesterday morning (same workout as Mon night). Mr. Mike wassuppp???? Thank you so much to Hailey and Laura for understanding about babysitting (she came down with the flu and was unable to make it)....the boys had a blast and were very good! Laughed all day about the 1 twin who dared his brother to take off his clothes - butt naked and proud - he told me too Mama....gotta love the boys!!!! Very proud of everyone and their work effort - Reverse TGU's (partial from top) not easy, but extremely effective! Swings improving by the class....hmmmm can't remember if any burpees assigned - I think a boomers again - so cleaning in order and few errands....met my good friend Debbie for lunch and popped in for a haircut - love my buds at VCS (Stacey and Jeannie you are the best) - Mary I better see you in class next week! Dottie making fun of me cuz I own a gym and brought my stylists cookies and coffee - treats are good I say! Got the kids off the bus, did homework, headed to get Max and then set out for Brunswick (no work - no evening plans - Bob heading back in from out of town) for Halloween costumes.....NEVER AGAIN.....I know better, but the pregnant head is CRAZY.....1 1/2 hours later - one had junk, one in tears and the other on the floor asking for pizza.....people looking at me like you're having another? Seriously, my boys were good they just can't ever make up their minds in a store - I know this about them - why I decided to do this - beyond's close to 7pm and no dinner....what did they want, pizza....we visited a local establishment - they were very funny......headed home for baths, books and bed........blogging was not an option! Have a great day - see you all tonight....

Monday, October 20, 2008


A good day - lots done around the house....been here for almost 2 months - the last handful of boxes have gotta go!!!! Max was a hoot - figured out how to remove his diaper and zip up his pj's without Mom knowing - until she picked him up and felt no padding!!!! Unzip and whoolllaaa there it is hanging free and him laughing away - I tell you I'm OUTNUMBERED......Headed in for work - actually had 10 at 5:30pm - Dave, Mark, Stacey, Meredith, Heather, Ryan (so happy to have you back - Congrats on The State Golf Tournament - very cool), Diane, Shelly, Faye and Dawn...We headed outside for class - some not happy, but it was BEAUTiful.....Warmed up with JM, 3 sets of 30 swings, single leg deadlifts, uneven rack/farmer walk, uneven rack/waiter, 2 sets of 10 goblet squat, partner velocity swing training;10 sets total 20 sec on, timed sumo deadlift combo....headed in for what I thought wasn't too bad, but was quickly informed not so.....4 sets of 5 partial reverse TGU (lunge back, knee to floor, hand to floor, leg through then leg back, genuflect and stand..repeat 4 more times and switch sides). Knees red, dirty looks, many with no bells toward the end....a lot nastier than I planned...good news everyone finished and no one puked - bad news we're definitely doing again tomorrow. 6:30pm we only had Disha and Katie - lots of work on form - same workout - they did awesome....lil James a doll! Joann and Joey represented the fur ladies - Janis on sabbatical and Sandy sick....Happy 60th Birthday to Joann!!! Her family and friends had a killer party for her back home this past weekend....we worked our jaws well tonight while Joey trained herself - night until I got home and found out the sitter let my 7 and 9 year old (praying the 2 year old not a part) "BOO" two of the neighbors (one we know the other we don't) with 1 piece of candy taped to a piece of notebook paper that said BOO....they thought it was hysterical......said they didn't get caught....REALLY.....outnumbered......proud Mother of boys!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Great Job by all

Yikes - so tired last night I forgot to post! Yesterday's victims: Tod, Gary, Sandy, Anna, Jeannine, Karen and Darlene rounded out the last of the V02....let me just say - very impressive! They all hung in there - never gave up.....the form - improved with each set! So proud.....Haley, Aimee, Nancy and Karen showed up for afternoon training....they swung a ladder 8kg up to 28kg - I think they were shocked with their own strength.....TRX, MP's, glides and more swings.....very strong. Theresa, Angela, Vanessa, Mary, Nikki and Arlene (EC teachers) killed it at 4pm with swings, 2 round circuit (ropes, sledge, cage, bells - yea) and man maker at the end.....they are impressive! Headed to Cleveland for the last outdoor soccer drive - so happy......homework, bed.....I am actually working on Saturday - kicking my husband out (not really - it's my job - his power trip days are over cuz no more traveling for me)!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pushin the Limit

kicked off the day subbing for Dar at 6am! Karen, Sherri, Marcy, Janet and Janis killed V02 - sort of through it on them (early for that) and got many dirty looks/comments, especially from my good friend who also emailed later and said she'd rather have a root canal....They all did great - beautiful form and hands held out well with the sock guards...Chad, Stacey, Mark and Carolyn showed up for 5:30pm while Mark, Mary, Diane and Barb came at impressed with everyone's form - all made it - said it was tough, but bottom line they did it! A super accomplishment! Tressa and Lisa trained at 7:30pm - swings, pullovers, snatches, high pulls, push ups, strong - impressive! Took measurements (Tressa made me pumpkin cookies - to die for - if you think I shared - NO WAY - BABY needs to grow....thank you and my butt thanks you too....). Looking forward to tomorrow - a full fun day of V02!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Good Day

Another warm day - don't even ask - YES we're outside! Gary, Bonnie, Tressa, Mike, Aimee, Haley, Nancy, Laura, Karen, and Jeannine killed it! We did the same workout as last night - they all were strong - swings great - excellent breathing - super very proud of you all! One fall on renegades, but all good. Never realized Mr. Mikes flashy red car boasts "Rusn Red" license plate - way too cool! No show for boomer bell - no comment - just because I'm 6 months and hormonal! Spent some time cleaning and headed home to get some much needed paperwork done - hence the emails you received today (if I have your email address). If I don't, please send it to me so I can keep you in the loop - It's V02 starting tomorrow at 6am baby -bring it on......FYI: there is a new Cleveland Kettlebell Club that has started - our very own Renee is a part of and check it out - very cool....

Monday, October 13, 2008


What an AMAZING weekend! Friday night Dar had us girls (Molly, Heather and myself) over for dinner - a Mexican theme. She is an unbelievable host - food, dessert, cappuccino - yummmy....Unfortunately spent most of Friday night up and down as the middle one started with a bad head cold/fever (thankfully not strep) and the lil one up crying "mouf" - he's getting his 2 year molars...beam me up! We didn't want to leave the kids with the sitter due to the fever- drew straws and I lost...We literally fight on the weekend as to who is going to teach????? I've created a MONSTER. We ended up heading to soccer, lunch and then the pumpkin patch (amazing what a lil motrin can do in addition to sunlight - they never seem to be totally miserable during the day just at night - never fails).....Bob and I actually went on a date Saturday night and saw The Express - what a GREAT movie......we hit Target after (WOW - party on - does that mean we're old)....very fun. Sunday was church, cleaning, playing, PSR, Soccer and calling hours (my sister n laws grandma passed)....nothing like packing it all in....needless to say - we didn't go anywhere today!!!!! Mark, Dave, Bob, Stacey, Faye, Dawn and Carolyn were 5:30's victims while Gary, Katie, Barb and myself were 6:30's.....Outside without question - a gorgeous night and beautiful sunset (amongst the breathing - lol)......3 sets of 20 sec on/off 2 handed swings, 1 handed right and left, between each set a lap around the parking lot.....2 sets of 10 goblet squats follwed by 2 sets of 10 swings.....farmer walk......2 set of 10 swing, flip, squat.....rack walk....3 sets of 10 renegade rows (unfortunately war wounds in each class - blows to fall but everyone does at one point - I opted out as my luck I would smoosh the baby as it currently looks like I swallowed a giant pumpkin)......waiter, rack, farmer walk - ouch......3 sets of figure 8.....inside for 3 sets of 5-7 straight arm pull overs followed by 1 set of 10 Doug-style push ups! Wednesday and Thursday morning classes we'll be completing the V02 max testing - we reviewed this as well as how to make sock guards from a pair of tube socks....bring your wrist bands.....If you want additional information, please email me If you are unprepared it will *&^% - it's all about the snatch.......lots of them...........hydrate, sleep, take care of your hands......I just did it yesterday at 6 months pregnant with the 12kg so don't tell me you can't!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where does the time go...

RAIN, rain and more rain....oh my! Plan B - stay home and clean, laundry, catch up on email - boo hoo (Plan A was to go shopping - I'm really good at that).....Max and I ended up getting a lot done - he really is a BIG helper - bends over and gets things (becoming more of a challenge), helps with laundry and don't even mention the word vacuum - it's gonna burn up - he's aloud 20min a day (yea he's 2 - I'm no dummy - this is short lived as I have to sit on the older ones for cooperation)- at least the floor is pretty clean??? Before I knew it it was lunch, nap, kids home, time for work - where does the day go??? Headed in - Chad, Pat, Meredith, Sarah, Mark, Stacey (MIA - welcome back) and Bob....warmed up with JM and then 3 sets of 30 sec swings on and off....Headed into a ladder of TGU's - 1 up to 5 and really focused on form/proper steps....ladder of 5 with double cleans, presses and squats. 5 snatches each arm or double if up for it then 10 snatches L and 10 snatches R. 10 swings. 20 swings. Meredith requested slow and Russian twist. Chad requested planks. Amy (the big girl barking order) requested 10 Doug style push-ups to finish up! Gary, Jen, Judy, Diane, Barb and Michele rolled in for 6:30pm - same deal - nice! Headed to House of Hunan for Ms. Sherry's Bday celebration - nice night out with the girls!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Days

LOVE to wake up to the sunshine - it's gonna be a GOOD day - how can it not? We were all up - organized (didn't raise my voice once - if u have kids u understand if not know I have to speak LOUDLY at times as I'm outnumbered)- off to school, the sitter and work....12 Victims in total - temp 57 - WE ARE OUTSIDE (mostly cuz big girl a flippin HEATER).....the belly aching - the looks.....GITIUP as I always say - get your shoes on, 2 bells, up top (open public parking lot - we get many looks - off of the main square in town).....Mary kept her winter white vest on until the end - lol! After 10 min of swinging, squating and running (same combo as last night) it looked like strip KB - the layers were coming off in droves......don't argue with the big girl I say! All did very well - worked on cleans, presses, doubles, lunges, walking snatches....we through in the double snatch/squat combo at the end - Tod the form is AMAZING - very crisp and strong.....the swinging, breathing, safety coming along BEAUTIFULLY......Only slapped 10 burpees and 10 push ups on at the end for good measure......I love you all -thank you for starting my day.......Unfortunately, I've scared my boomers away for now - they should be scared I'm coming after them so I hit the road for errands......It was hair cuts after school, lots of playing, school work and dinner....Really nice to be home for the evening without work or soccer......I love Tuesday's!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Never stop asking....

What a GREAT weekend! I spent it with my oldest at a soccer tournament in Cincy.....we drove with another Mom and her was nice to get away, but more so the one on one time - so rewarding....he had so much fun with all of his friends/ experience I'm sure neither one of us will forget! Bob held the fort down again (3rd weekend in a row with Big Mama out) and he did great! Had 2 really busy Saturday morning classes - soccer - and fun times with the younger two.....they also surprised me with my new desk (I'm no longer on a stool without light) - yea! I knew it was shipping, but not sure when....everything set up and ready to roll (evened vacuumed - impressive)......Spent today playing catch up, but got a lot done.....Max's new thing "Mom Waaatchhhh" - very fun.....he has eyeballs on the back of his head cuz he repeats until I do! We were light tonight at 5:30pm - Angie, Meredith, Sarah and Bob - die beautiful so we were outside.....JM, 5 sets of 10 2 handed swings, 5 goblet squats and a lap, worked on cleans - 5 sets of 3, worked on MP - 5 sets of 3, a nasty combo of doubles at the end - swings, cleans, Mp's, squats (greasing the groove and putting it all together). We did walking lunges and walking snatches on the return......inside for push ups and straight arm pull overs. Chad, Jim (welcome back - 3 month sabbatical), Heather, Diane, Katie and myself jumped in for Bob's class (he's mean).....Started with 3 sets of nasty swings (10 2 handed, 10 right arm, 10 left arm, 20 alternating), 3 sets of 5 double clean/press with bent over row in between, 3 sets of 5 double squats and 6 double snatches (the baby almost popped out - but it was cool), 3 sets of 10 deadlifts with 5 dbl cleans, 3 sets of alternating side lying press and 5 straight arm pullovers.......lil manmaker - swing, clean, press, snatch, reverse TGU - alternate - 5 sets....OUCH! The FUR ladies hysterical - always make me laugh......Thank you Chad for the review!!!!! I've been asking for almost a year and he did it tonight - yeaahhhhh.......

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Keep Swingin

It was Crazy Thursday! Class at 9:15am (VERY light - my goodness the temp drops below 60 and the sun disappears and so do you....but Mr. Mike reported in as well as Brigid, Gary, Tracy, Jeanine and Darlene thankfully - thank you for the water 2 Mr. Mike).....Kim and Michele reported in at 10:30am (Patti, Rose, Tina wassssupppp).....Everyone did really well this a.m. - form is coming along (everyone will be taking over my job in no time). Met Ms. Heather and Kai for lunch - very nice! Haley, Aimee, Trish, Karyn and Nancy all showed up at 1pm with socks to cut - vo2. Warmed up with JM, few swings, high pulls, snatches and off we went......could not believe how WELL everyone did! Nancy had to stop part way through due to a back issue she's been dealing with (very smart - stay tuned into the body - ignoring pain will eventually lead to worse things if not tended too)....we used the foam roller, tennis ball and bands to stretch while the rest continued on with the tunes cranked - Nancy was bummed cuz she can do it without a doubt, but definitely smart......high fives around - success! Got the lil one picked up, then the sitter, then kids off the bus and back at 4pm for the Ella Canavan teachers - GREAT group! A few had done KB before, but most not....all took on the funky iron "ball" quite well....impressed with their strength - way to go! Back home - sitter home - oldest to soccer - homework.....PPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOped....Great day overall! Have a great weekend! C u next the mean time keep swingin!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Game On

I did manage to get a shower first thing (tired of being a bum- for this week anyhow)....I don't know how it happens, but with a blink of an eye the kids are back home from school and I'm not sure what exactly I got done - sound familiar....I have so many things (too many as we all do) to accomplish I end up flitting around doing a little of this and that - FOCUS....seriously. Dropped off a meal to my good friend Debbie who is recuperating from surgery prior to work (actually managed to arrive 15min early - now that's frightening)......Bob, Mark, Sally, Tammy (welcome back), Meredith, Shannon and Carolyn (welcome back)....We did JM, 3 sets of: L,R,L - 10 each - single arm swings (heavy, med and light bell) then R,L,R (Jay Armstrong's w.o. from RKC). A total of 180 swings, but whose counting.....swingapalooza as Chad said tonight in the 2nd class! Focused on proper breathing, hiking, tracking, safety - only earned 20 burpees - impressive......We then moved to the TGU balancing act followed by 6 total TGU's alternating (proper form of course). Did our vertical leap, burpee, mtn climber, push up combo - relaxtion of course......followed by 3 sets of 10 partner velocity swings (some problems in class with hiking....). Worked on prying open the hips in our squat - biceps....2 sets of 10 squats with proper breathing.....finished with the vertical leap number......Sally said her eyelashes were actually sweating - lol! Chad, Joe (welcome back - MIA for 6 months), Katie, Diane, Mary and I front and center for Bob who taught the 2nd class.....I hung in until the vertical number (baby done)...then he decided to throw in bear crawls (I out) and then inch worm (I definitely out). Joe wrapped his sweat towel around his head like a turban to prevent the massive drips of sweat - funniest thing I've ever seen - where is the camera when you need it! My next victims, Lisa and Tressa, rolled in for Vo2 testing.....they had their sock guards done and made - nice......They killed it......Tressa said half way through said this is INHUMANE - thought I was going to fall off the bench - lol! Tressa was sweating like no tomorrow - Lisa glistening (claims she's not a sweater - we have to work on that).....Very impressive - their hands held out well (we'll c tomorrow) - nice form overall.......Once a week baby - game on.....Keep it simple - Just do it!