Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Game On

I did manage to get a shower first thing (tired of being a bum- for this week anyhow)....I don't know how it happens, but with a blink of an eye the kids are back home from school and I'm not sure what exactly I got done - sound familiar....I have so many things (too many as we all do) to accomplish I end up flitting around doing a little of this and that - FOCUS....seriously. Dropped off a meal to my good friend Debbie who is recuperating from surgery prior to work (actually managed to arrive 15min early - now that's frightening)......Bob, Mark, Sally, Tammy (welcome back), Meredith, Shannon and Carolyn (welcome back)....We did JM, 3 sets of: L,R,L - 10 each - single arm swings (heavy, med and light bell) then R,L,R (Jay Armstrong's w.o. from RKC). A total of 180 swings, but whose counting.....swingapalooza as Chad said tonight in the 2nd class! Focused on proper breathing, hiking, tracking, safety - only earned 20 burpees - impressive......We then moved to the TGU balancing act followed by 6 total TGU's alternating (proper form of course). Did our vertical leap, burpee, mtn climber, push up combo - relaxtion of course......followed by 3 sets of 10 partner velocity swings (some problems in class with hiking....). Worked on prying open the hips in our squat - biceps....2 sets of 10 squats with proper breathing.....finished with the vertical leap number......Sally said her eyelashes were actually sweating - lol! Chad, Joe (welcome back - MIA for 6 months), Katie, Diane, Mary and I front and center for Bob who taught the 2nd class.....I hung in until the vertical number (baby done)...then he decided to throw in bear crawls (I out) and then inch worm (I definitely out). Joe wrapped his sweat towel around his head like a turban to prevent the massive drips of sweat - funniest thing I've ever seen - where is the camera when you need it! My next victims, Lisa and Tressa, rolled in for Vo2 testing.....they had their sock guards done and made - nice......They killed it......Tressa said half way through said this is INHUMANE - thought I was going to fall off the bench - lol! Tressa was sweating like no tomorrow - Lisa glistening (claims she's not a sweater - we have to work on that).....Very impressive - their hands held out well (we'll c tomorrow) - nice form overall.......Once a week baby - game on.....Keep it simple - Just do it!