Monday, June 30, 2008

Do Not Drink the Water....

I am so sorry I've been MIA - a little crazy....anyway, I'm finally letting you all know (for those of you who read my blog on a regular basis) I am 2 1/2 months pregnant...................yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........I am due in January with #4.....been a little on the icky side and needing toothpicks to keep the eyeballs propped, but otherwise am good......if you do not want to be knocked up do not drink the water....Molly had #4 in March, Heather is due any day with #4 and I'll be following up in January - who's next???? Bob is coming around to the idea (he wanted two kids - damn women) and the older boys are thrilled (Max will be in for a rude awakening)......sooooo I've not been overdosing on the cookies - the midsection is growing for a reason.....Thank you as always for all of your support and continuing to come to class/BBOM - it means more than you know.....also for all of the amazing reviews - humbling....gittiup and don't make me mad as I may either cry or scream at you (just kidding).....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rolling Eyes

Dropped the boys off at soccer camp and then got some errands done with Max....rainy and cold...good day to finish laundry and chores around the house........headed into work - had 8 in class.....The theme "ladder of 5".....everything and anything you can think of - 5 down to 1......lots of dirty looks, especially from Bob, but that's ok - that's my job! There were 4 of us at 6:30pm - Bob kicked off class with 3 sets of 30 swings and then wham bam - See Saw presses followed by a ladder of snatches 10 down to 1....Chad ripped off several callouses and Molly was right behind - OUCH.....We did Bob's favorite timed deadlifts and then timed TGU's....straight arm pull-overs - DEAD I tell you! Good Stuff....stayed to clean as my 7:30 group to bed as training begins at 6:30am!!!! Thank you Tod, Erin, Stacey and Katie for submitting Awesome reviews on my behalf this week - I really appreciate your time - it means a lot!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Monday

We had a really nice low key weekend! Got A LOT done around the house - spring cleaning in June, but man it feels good (just hard to make yourself do it, but once you get going it's amazing)...I'm finding things I didn't even know I had - that's SAD.....My parents came up for a cook out Sunday night for Father's Day - very nice! The older two are in soccer camp at University of Akron this week so Max and I hung out today - we cleaned the car (more amazing finds under and in between the seats)....had lunch and a little nap together...very fun....The boys had a great day and are looking forward to tomorrow.....We had 6 at 5:30pm - one new victim, Eric, he did Super and 7 regulars at 6:30pm....We worked the basics outside....ladder of swings - all the walking (waiter, rack, farmer, lunges, side step - nasty)....single leg deadlift, MP....inside for straight arm pull-overs, get ups, hot potato.....Nice job by all! Todd can't figure out why Monday is soooo hard - he's not alone - it's Monday - back to the grind, routine, etc......

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No secrets

Spent the day with my Mom - very nice....headed to Vermillion for an annual fundraiser/luncheon....flew home - got the baby - kids - dinner - work!!!!! Numbers are low guys -come on - stop slackin and gettiup!!!! We did a nice little number from iron tamer again - it will be timed - there is's basic but nasty full body no doubt....please EAT and HYDRATE! This weather is crazy and not always the best if you're not prepared.....K2's you make me laugh....You're working hard - breaks are less - talking/stalling a bit, but getting better.....nice job on the ball, TRX and with the bell - k no more potatoes......other K gettiup to class sister! Angie informed me tonight I'm #6 - oh yea - that ROCKS!!!! Keep the reviews coming and click on my name.....Thank you!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Relief.....many thanks

It's been hot - wow! Complain about the cold and Ohio - the next minute it's 90 and you can't breath - crazy! Classes on Saturday were great - used a lil number from Iron Tamer from his bootcamp class - simple but nasty...all did well. Dave was outnumbered in class #1 while class #2 rolled in - all regulars ready to kick it in! The boys did well in the MIST tournament - 6 games total - they played their hearts out and were both still a bit whooped today! We barely went outside - just caught up on chores and played inside - very fun! 9 showed up for 5:30pm (another number from IronTamer - 10 min of TGU's followed by 10 set of 30 sec swing, 30 sec rest, 30 sec burpees, 30 sec of rest....3 sets of 20sec hot potato, 10 sec rest, 20 sec russian twist, 10 sec rest, 20 sec V-up, 10 sec form of flattery is copying someone else's work)! The class voted for bear crawls - we stretched and out! Summer is definitely here because 1 victim showed up at 6:30pm - Bob taught and I worked out with her (same routine)....Where are you all????? The heat baseball, softball, golf, vacation oh my.....summer's in effect.....I had the fur ladies at 7:30pm who graciously welcomed Kelli to work out with them - very nice....all worked hard! Now it's raining - cooling down.....RELIEF! Thank you again to all who have written reviews for me on the dragondoor website! The Hardstyle magazine comes out next week and I'm Ranked #7 (based on numbers in May when printed)! I am also the only female - that ROCKS....Medina is on the Map baby - we have arrrived......all thanks to Mr. Nepodal who started it all - for all of us.....many thanks......

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Timing is everything

Rain AGAIN - OHHHHHHHHIEEEEE......Ohio....gloomy.....Stop I say stop......woke up taking my gold old time when all of the sudden FEAR....holy crap it's 8:15am - the baby is still sleeping and the new summer schedule (which I've only known about for 2 months and helped revise) starts this week - class is at 9am - &*^%.....woke Max (there is nothing fast about the child - doesn't like to be rushed with anything - oh my) him fed, changed, dogs went wee wee for the 20, 000 time, in the crate, in the car, dropped him at the sitter....its 6 til 9am...pulled in on two wheels at 9:01am - ran - new people.....fortunately the 15min time difference was an issue for many of us including Mr. Mike...we worked it out - all is good.......4 sets of 1 min swings with 20 sec rest, swing, flip squat 2 sets of 10, partner push ups, partner throw downs and double overhead sit ups - nice....double rack - just stand 2 sets for 1min, MP and farmers.....through in some of the basics to mix things up - impressed with the form and strength....Gary's in for his 2nd week - drives from wadsworth....his martial arts buddies in California all train KB and told him to step up from the 16's to some real weight - lol.......true but form is key and must be mastered first....My hat's off to Gary for not being too proud (which is difficult for some) and wanting to nail the basics - strength will come.....Pam and Mary - newbies - did great! Mike killed it with some serious weight......cleaned, errands, birthday lunch with a friend - very nice! Taxi driver in the rain to Cleveland - 6 boys in total - God Bless those who developed the DVD....all of them were great, but wow did those wet, stinky bodies just about kill me on the way home.....

Monday, June 2, 2008

The more the better

We had a great weekend - finally nice weather - lots of soccer - work around the house, etc....Both classes Saturday went very well - fun - hard work....Kim's birthday at 8am - theme throughout of 3_ ........Mr. Mike, Ursula, Steve and Zufie made it at 9am - bear crawls and renegades of course! I made it to Darlene's first official 6am class this am - she did GREAT - 4 of us in all! Kicked my butt....had to take the dog to the vet and spent the rest of the day playing catching up, clean up you know the excited - first time in months I actually washed, dried, folded and PUT AWAY the laundry in the same swoop - there is a first for everything....sad when your 7 year old thanks you for stocking the underwear, pj and sock drawer - LOL....Bob taught 5:30pm class and I did 6:30pm - a lot of MIA'ers who have returned....The Bells, The Blacklunds, Ryan, Sarah, Reagan.....all did extremely well, especially with the amount of times around the block with the bells - that's Strength - proud of you all! The fur ladies arrived with bells on - worked very hard....talked a lot about diet, etc.....Kelli and kim kicked it into gear with KB, resist a ball and TRX....Kelli busted out her head band tonight - not happy about sweating - I say the more the better baby while Kim had tooth picks holding up her eye lids - she a morning baby! Both did excellent......