Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Timing is everything

Rain AGAIN - OHHHHHHHHIEEEEE......Ohio....gloomy.....Stop I say stop......woke up taking my gold old time when all of the sudden FEAR....holy crap it's 8:15am - the baby is still sleeping and the new summer schedule (which I've only known about for 2 months and helped revise) starts this week - class is at 9am - &*^%.....woke Max (there is nothing fast about the child - doesn't like to be rushed with anything - oh my).....got him fed, changed, dogs went wee wee for the 20, 000 time, in the crate, in the car, dropped him at the sitter....its 6 til 9am...pulled in on two wheels at 9:01am - ran - new people.....fortunately the 15min time difference was an issue for many of us including Mr. Mike...we worked it out - all is good.......4 sets of 1 min swings with 20 sec rest, swing, flip squat 2 sets of 10, partner push ups, partner throw downs and double overhead sit ups - nice....double rack - just stand 2 sets for 1min, MP and farmers.....through in some of the basics to mix things up - impressed with the form and strength....Gary's in for his 2nd week - drives from wadsworth....his martial arts buddies in California all train KB and told him to step up from the 16's to some real weight - lol.......true but form is key and must be mastered first....My hat's off to Gary for not being too proud (which is difficult for some) and wanting to nail the basics - strength will come.....Pam and Mary - newbies - did great! Mike killed it with some serious weight......cleaned, errands, birthday lunch with a friend - very nice! Taxi driver in the rain to Cleveland - 6 boys in total - God Bless those who developed the DVD....all of them were great, but wow did those wet, stinky bodies just about kill me on the way home.....