Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rolling Eyes

Dropped the boys off at soccer camp and then got some errands done with Max....rainy and cold...good day to finish laundry and chores around the house........headed into work - had 8 in class.....The theme "ladder of 5".....everything and anything you can think of - 5 down to 1......lots of dirty looks, especially from Bob, but that's ok - that's my job! There were 4 of us at 6:30pm - Bob kicked off class with 3 sets of 30 swings and then wham bam - See Saw presses followed by a ladder of snatches 10 down to 1....Chad ripped off several callouses and Molly was right behind - OUCH.....We did Bob's favorite timed deadlifts and then timed TGU's....straight arm pull-overs - DEAD I tell you! Good Stuff....stayed to clean as my 7:30 group to bed as training begins at 6:30am!!!! Thank you Tod, Erin, Stacey and Katie for submitting Awesome reviews on my behalf this week - I really appreciate your time - it means a lot!!!!