Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hump Day

It was crazy Wednesday to say the least....I actually enjoy Wednesday's because it's usually my catch up day at home as well as day to spend with Max....I got caught up on housework and bills yaada yaada....I headed in early as I had to train my first "small group" of three....Gretchen, Hallie and Lisa - the three Amigos...they not only work together, but are good friends and two are sister in laws - a very fun group to say the least! They challenged me upon introduction to make them skinny as they'll be in Maui 4 months from now - no problem until half way through the workout they were discussing taco bell, donutland, dairy Queen and Big Macs - I may be paying them???? In all seriousness, they worked really hard and did a nice job....tomorrow is not going to be pretty- my ears are already burning! They booked again for next Monday and Wednesday - commitment....when Gretchen was done stretching she said she was too tired to drive to Taco Bell - it's a start.....The 6:30pm kbers started filing in....Gary, Ryan, Jim, Aaron (1st timer), Kevin, Greg and Lynn (you guys are the best - the drive, the dedication....can't tell you how much it means), Bob (getting close to banned status with the looks), Brian, Arlene (new), Stacey, Amy, Monica, Andrea, Diane, Mary, Dar and Barb...18 in total....We pumped out the usual mix of swings, goblet squats, windmill, good morning, renegades, clean/press/squat, etc. and then the timer....3 set of 30sec body weight squats and 30sec of swings....Monica cried out we want Doug back....I laughed, smiled and replied he can't hear you...hopefully when you read this Doug you're laughing too cuz a promise is a promise - we carrying the torch proud BABY!!!! We finished with halos, hot potato (popcorn - so dumb), pull over sit up (smart ass Bob - I called them straight arm pullover - I'm front and center your first class honey) and 50 swings....Arlene rang the bell with pride....Aaron asked his friend Kevin (who brought him) "what the hell did I do to piss you off".....Andrea also rang the bell - Nice Job to all!!!