Monday, January 14, 2008

The Official Day 1

I reported in for duty tonight at 6:15pm as class started at 6:30pm....I kept waiting for Doug to show up or be there, etc. - it was weird.....The usuals started filtering in and then the newbies - 8 victims tonight including my brother and sister in law from Massillon - what a surprise - thanks for the support guys! I was definitely nervous for some reason - feeling the pressure of taking over and carrying the torch - didn't expect that one! After a few warm-ups and a little strength work, I split the usual suspects and newbies up....We worked on basic drills, especially form and technique with the green participants....several regulars were turning green with the "Sissy Test" compliments of Brad in St.Paul (a few almost earned a t-shirt); a ladder of 25 swings in descending order mixed with burpees (starting with 1 and ascending to 25).....Darlene finished first at just under 40min - she rang that bell with pride! Cherri, Jean and Bonnie also finished....the guys came close - all did a fantastic job - way to go!!!! Mark said the myth that my class is easier than Doug's was blown out of the water tonight - so not true says he.....We'll see what Wednesday brings!!!