Saturday, January 19, 2008

The First Saturday

Wow! What a day! I can honestly say I was a WRECK - couldn't sleep - counting sheep....just anxious. Will anyone show? What if they don't? The pressure.....I finally got up at 5am and busted out the workout I planned to present.....amazing how just a few swings, presses, push ups, rows and TGU's can settle one down.....Energized and ready to roll - off to work I go....did I mention I came early to drag another 10 bells in I ordered (another reason to panic about people showing....). It's just about 8am and there's 2 people (Marcy first of course - always on time) 8:05 people just kept coming...from where I don't know - Thank you Lord - I've been praying a lot! We had 17 total at 8am and 21 total for 9am including Doug's dad Pete (so nice - I felt weird taking his money, but he said you're not my daughter take it - LOL).....Mike and Dar did the double - you guys rock! Thanks to Steve Cotter and Steve Maxwell I had many new tricks (maybe a few too many, but hey some of the exercises pretty sweet) - you tube is incredible. The 2 hours flew bye - so much fun.....several newbies came back (good job) and 4 brand new faces including Monica's brother Gary (I thought Bob was tall - Lord he almost hit his head coming through the door)....he made me laugh when he told Monica to stop telling him what to do.....he said you're not the teacher she is I'll listen to her not you....LOL! Julie came in a little after ten and we worked one on one on kettlebell form, etc. She did great - we hit it off well! I cleaned up and headed home - RELIEVED - THRILLED - EXHAUSTED....Thank you everyone for making this much anticipated day possible....I will sleep well tonight! To check out the pictures Sherry Brown from HeartStrings photography took of Doug's last class last Saturday please go to Type in kettlebell then 14422.....very cool!