Monday, January 28, 2008

Productive Monday

Kicked off the early morning with my workout (me myself and I - I really do miss taking class and having someone tell me what to do without thinking). I truly enjoy teaching, but it's sometimes hard to kick your own butt when you look around and it's just you, the bells and Mr. Gymboss....Swings, MP, Pull-ups, front squats 4x, straight arm pull-over and then Doug's 30 sec swing and 30 sec hot potato drill - That sucked. Spent the rest of the day playing catch up - returning calls, emails and paying bills....Max motored around and tortured the dogs playing keep away with their toys....I headed in to train Lisa and Kim at 5:30pm (great group) and then taught to 19 regulars and 1 newbie....Mark was training as well - PACKED to say the least....We stuck to the basic drills working on our swings, cleans, MP's, single leg deadlift, etc....then partnered up for some renegade rows with push ups, Partner See Saw presses on the floor and one arm overhead sit ups....we ended with Doug's fun drill, but I allowed for 10 sec in between for the slow pokes and cheaters.....Gary left a pond behind while Chad a chalk field - I think I got a facial while teaching it was so steamy.....Carolyn rang the bell with pride as she successfully made it through her first KB class....nice work by all!