Monday, March 3, 2008

It's a Steam Room

Whaaaatttt a great weekend! Dar taught the 8am and 9am class on Saturday (and killed it) as Molly and I (or I should say I volunteered and made Molly my co-chair) chaired Heritage Elementary's winter Carnival....HOlY COW! It went well and the kids had fun, but man is it hard to find volunteers - everybody loves to come, but nobody wants to help....I shouldn't say nobody - it's the same people who do the work....Anyway, we're both relieved it went well, everyone had fun and that it's over....Bob said he would officially kill me if I did it again next year as I got a little CRAZY Friday night....After the Carnival we had to head to Toledo for my nephew's birthday party and then his baby brother's baptism on Sunday.....we got back Sunday night and I had a business meeting with my partners and I wonder why I'm tired today??? Lisa did an awesome job - kicked her tail with a 20min crossfit workout - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 goblet front squats....Our goal was 6 sets - she made five....Lisa brought in the silver dress (clarification as I've thought it was yellow this entire time - my bad) she plans to wear in Maui....Keep up the good work girlfriend - you will wear it with pride! 23 arrived for class.....we did a lot of team work - very fun....Kicked off class with 5 min of swings, Iron Cross, 1 bell anyway, Partner push ups, single leg deadlift, figure eight, pistols and finished with a nasty man-maker of 30 sec on and 20 sec on....burpees, squats, push ups, seated twist.....The mirrors, windows and walls completely steamed over (good reason I didn't get a shower today) - nice job to all! Thanks again for all of you who have written such nice reviews online - I so appreciate it!!!!