Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A New PR.....1000 swings

I said I would do it in last nights blog (not sure what I was thinking)....I got my butt out of bed by 6am this morning and swung the 24kg 15 sec on (set of 10 swings) and 15 sec of rest for 800 swings......the last 200 swings I dropped down to the 20kg as my form was lacking a bit.....50 min in total......definitely had to go to a happy place - that was rough....I had plans to maybe do this in class, but had second thoughts with several newbies, etc....We had 21 in class and I chose to do 5min of swings, 5min cleans, 5min squats, 5min high pulls or snatches, 5min get ups....we took breaks in between of course mixing in MP, crush curl, french press, straight arm pull over, push ups, single leg dead lift, burpees.....during the 5 min of work with the gym boss all were encouraged to do sets of 5 to 10 as well as to take breaks, hydrate and move around - listen to the body - form key.....It was a sweaty pit - great effort by all!!!! Found out today my 6 1/2 year old (who is Bob's twin in more ways you could even imagine) wrote a love letter last week....fortunately I'm friends with HER mom - they have his note on their refrigerator - LOL.....He said he loved her too much and on the back said she could kiss him!?&* LOOK OUT if you have a girl(s)....the Dudley boys oh my.....