Monday, March 17, 2008

20kg - about time....

It was another good, crazy weekend as we finished the last of my Mom's 60th birthday....She was so stunned it wasn't even funny - nice family time and lots of good food and sweets (I'm still on a sugar withdraw)....Stayed home all day today - got a lot done around the house - lots of odds and ends....Sam got his new glasses - he is so excited and can't wait to show them off tomorrow at school....Max was a stink pot all day - cried, laughed, pooped in that order most of the day (boys will be boys)....I love you baby boy, but my oh my!!!! We had 13 in class for our new Monday 5:30pm class - everyone did a great job! Lisa way to kick it in - Aaron and Kevin I am proud of you NICE job tonight.....Kevin you finally stepped it up with the 20kg so I will retract what I said in my blog last week....I don't think you did Aaron - what are you waiting for???? I don't mind if you talk in class just not during your sets - LOL!!!! 6:30 kbers came rolling in to get their spot and bells before we were even done - so funny! Sarah did a great job her first time out - way to go! We did swings, high pulls, snatches, funky halo, double lat pull, get ups, straight arm pull up, different version of of twists and deck squats....the best was the push ups - drop down and make a circle.....not so much - looked like chickens and dogs - back to the drawing board on that one! Looking forward to a busy week.....Shamrocks one day and easter eggs the next - what could be better!!!!