Monday, March 24, 2008

Getn back in the swing of things....

It was a really nice Easter weekend...the kids and I headed to Michigan Friday afternoon. The kids had a sleepover at grandmas and partied until the wee hours of the morning. Uncle Dan finally ripped Sam's front tooth out (been hanging for over a month) - sounded like we were seriously abusing him - My mother in law was about to come unglued (my kids have a very low tolerance for pain like their father - LOL)! T.F. (tooth fairy) made a successful trip (with 3 kids in a fort on the floor in the dining room - talent)....My sister in law successfully completed R.C.I.A. so I attended the passion Saturday night - very cool! We had Easter dinner on Sunday and drove back Sunday night....all in all a nice break from our usual routine.....we spent the day at home playing catch up and getting things back in order for the rest of the week....Bob and I sneaked a painful workout in (which I graciously extended to class) before I showered and headed to the gym....He just got back from his Vegas trip where he trained twice with Sara Cheatham.....Anyway, we warmed up with Z-health, swings, ladder of MP up to 5, squats, snatches, TGU and two unforgettable sequeces: swing it, flip it (catching it by the "ball" part right side up, full rotation), squat it, drop it (catch by handle) 5 X 5....ladder to 5 swing, clean, press, snatch, squat....NICE!!!! Kevin wanted props for doing the entire training session with the 24kg or was it the 28kg - I can't remember...Chad said the next time he sees Bob he's toast...Paul made it through his first KB class, but kept looking at the clock so we'll see if he returns??? Nicole has been MIA, but is back....Michele, Jennifer and Robin did very well....Lisa came in ready to throw some iron (long day at work WITH the kids - ohhh). The snatches have been incredibly impressive as well as the squats - really great form....Mr. Jim said since he's been attending class his belly is bigger than ever...I asked if he's watching what he's eating and Sue laughed and they both agreed he's extremely successful at watching it go in - LOL!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. MIKE - HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT DAY!!!