Thursday, March 27, 2008

A light day....

Got up this morning and ran with my good friend I can't tell you the last time I ran and boy was it rough!!!!! Bob is actually in town, my hands a mess from yesterdays swing fest so I thought it would be a nice change - felt like it was my first time, but nice to get outside!!!! Class at 9:15 very light with 5 in total - everyone getting ready for spring break.....they all did great and I of course tortured them on form.....10:30 had 10- fun silly group...had lunch with my partners and flew back for the 12:30 group.....Molly Z found out she's gonna be a proud Mama for the 4th time tomorrow!!!! She is 3.5cm and 50% effaced so Doc plans on breaking her water tomorrow - headn in to Medina Hospital at 7am!!!! We are all very excited - we'll keep you posted - please keep them all in your prayers and thoughts....On that note I officially took over the Thursday night class tonight - they weren't happy to see me and almost every one said you're not doing KB are you - LOL - come on guys!!!! We did a cross-fit workout, circuit and Z health....I very well may have scared them all away????? I will also be in tomorrow at 6am - Look out!!!!