Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday Taxi

Oh I wasn't able to blog last night - so sorry......I had a great day - 9:15am packed with 16 and 10:30 5 - all did great! Mr. Mike and Mr. Chris got busted for "gabbing" while the rest of the group continued to complete their combinations of swings, c&p's, Fs's, etc.....I called them girls and they got right to work - LOl! I had a good business lunch meeting with my partners - always nice to touch base and check in as we're in the beginning stages of summer class preparations - some cool things to come!!!! I trucked 6 boys to brooklyn for soccer practice - they were all good because I bribed them with Donuts for after (I needed a coffee)!!!! They were not cheap dates and begged for Filet of Fish sandwiches and fries from McDonald's - only boys and I'm a sucker.....they all had a special order - thought the drive-thru lady was gonna knock me out - Oh Well.....I made all of my drop-offs and got home around 9pm.....We DVR'd the Biggest Loser - My Favorite Show! Way to go Ali - Awesome....into bed I went as the day needed to start at 6.......