Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 3 SB - Fantastic....

The sun is out - everyone slept in - all is good......even better nowhere to be and nothing to do the whole day - beautiful!!!! The kids helped me clean, organize and attempt to make sense of the unorganization....doesn't sound like much fun, but we played in between....even got a game of twister in - WOW that was tough! I headed in for Molly's group - very nice....Had a blast at 6:30pm - 2 newbies, 20 in total....Mr. Doug's birthday so many requests from him.....Very impressed with the 2 different combos.... 3 rounds 20 sec on, 10 sec off....snatch L, snatch R, body weight squats.....3 rounds 20 sec on, 10 sec off.....clean press L, clean press R, mtn climbers - Repeated both sequences 2x! Very proud of you all....Mr. Greg said he was sweating and that's rare.....I busted out the new sargent steamer and got to work on the mats....they look pretty good for my first attempt (a few streaks and chalk marks), but I think if we keep up with it our prayers of cleanliness have been answered - thank you Sue!!!! I've got work in the a.m. and hopefully the movies..... More FUN to Come....