Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Money's worth....

It was another beautiful day in Ohio! On top of it, I had no commitments for the ENTIRE day - WOW that's such a good feeling these days!!! Max and I met the Zufra clan for a morning stroll....Max and I got a lot done around the house and then I prepared for my 5:15pm training session and class at 6:30pm....we had 21 swinging iron in the parking lot - goodness it was AMAZING....We did swings, single leg MP, walking farmer, rack, waiter.....body weight squats every other line....KB pukers every two lines.....walking side swings and mixed in halos and good mornings......headed in for get ups, push ups and straight arm pull-ups....stretched and finished 5 min early....Greg exclaimed he got his money's worth - LOl! I headed to House of Hunan for dinner with my girlfriends - fun night - good to get out!!! Bobbie leaves tomorrow afternoon for RKC - he's said a million times what have you done to me......I just laugh! He's gonna be fine although the weather forecast doesn't look sooooo good....