Thursday, April 17, 2008

Double Thursday

BEAUTIFUL day - outside without question! Doubles - 3x, 10 swings, 5 c&p, 10 renegade, 5 front squat.....NICE - farmers, lunges, see saw with swings......Mr. Mike and Billy killed it (although they say no way - whatever - 24's and 28's is nothing to be ashamed of)....Poor Dana (1st timer) fell on Renegades on the cement - knuckles tore up - blood - she was a trooper - battle wounds.....Very impressed overall with everyone's form - you guys Rock! Had 5 at 10:30 - one newbie.....all did great! Nice to see Sue H. and Becca back - Sue B. you're on my list along with my Mother (only likes to come when I can go to lunch after - LOL).....12:30pm group showed up and outside for cross-fit and KB......1:30pm RKC candidate, Mark, showed up from Akron....tweaked a few things on the snatch - overall great form - He and Bob are going to have a blast next week! 5:30pm came, first timer - very strong - did a nice job.....8 showed up for class at 6:30pm - 7 guys including Lin his son Aaron and Greg - only one chic - Doug no worries on the house turnin "Chic" - who would have thought with 3 girls.....We busted out TRX with the gymboss - laps around the building in between.....lots of grunting - Greg said I made him sweat! Ended the day with the fur ladies who always make me laugh.......Tomorrow = one hour - YIPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Thanks again Chad for the chalk and Mike for water duty.......