Monday, April 28, 2008

He Did It.....

Bob arrived back home last night - on cloud nine! He did it - passed his snatch test, 23 hours, successfully taught his victim, completed his Grad workout with ease - has his certification and picture for proof.....a great accomplishment! Bob did our house proud......way to it's Dar's turn! We wish her the best of luck this coming weekend in Denmark - she leaves tomorrow and has nothing to worry about!!! The alarm went off at 5am this morning (I wanted to scream), but I promised myself I would run to work this a.m. - not sure what I was thinking, but sometimes we fitness people are cracked in the head.....I ran - in the rain to BBOM....not as bad as I thought - just pretended I was sleep running....taught 6am and ran back home (that was worse).....Max and I headed to Canton for my Great Aunt's funeral, visited my grandma in the nursing home (Alzheimer's blows - she had no idea who my brother and I were.....definitely knows my Mom and WOW is she nasty to her - tells her everyday she looks Bad and to get out - my poor least she didn't try to choke or kick her today - SAD).....we headed out to lunch and then back to Medina....I got my butt kicked by Bob at 5:30pm (he was going to teach the 6:30pm class, but when 4 experienced KBers showed up he changed his mind so I jumped in).....Kim, Stacey, Amie and Arlene did great - thanks for your patience! We did swings, timed TGU's (he forgot about the clock I think), 3X10 squats, high pulls, bear crawls and then the blasted ladder of snatches 12 down to 1 on each side - he was trying to BREAK ME....NO CAN DO CRACKER JACK......they teased I could get a free shirt if I puked - I really wanted to die, but it felt great to be back in class again - I've been on my own since Doug left in January!!!! Bob said after he wasn't sure about the teaching thing - felt nervous and will all come in time.....I had 21 at 6:30pm (Bob was thrilled it was me on the front line as opposed to him)! We did a timed workout from Bob's RKC Manual - NASTTTTYYYY.....everyone did awesome! Look out in the morning - no secrets tonight....My 7:30pm canceled so I cleaned and headed home early.....My hands are on FIRE (damn callouses - damn snatches - damn Bob, who signed him up anyway - LOL).......