Thursday, November 13, 2008

I need a drink - BAD

Thankfully I felt much better today - yea for that! Had 13 in class this a.m. - so nice to see Rebecca, Kim and Marie again - it's been the rest of my regulars (Bonnie, Laura, Darlene, Gary, Mike, Ursula, Jeanine, Karen, Anna and Sandy) - THANK YOU so much for your constant support and work effort - it means the make my job so much fun - not sure what I would do without you all! We completed most of the workout as last night, but threw in a few curve balls just to mix things up......Headed to Fairlawn for my Doc appt - 1 1/2 hour later - I wouldn't have minded, but had to be at work at 1pm and left the office at 1:05 - ggrrrr......what would we do without texting/cell phones? Thank you again Aimee, Haley and Karyn for your understanding, patience and flexibility - much appreciated as I certainly know how valuable one's time is....We got a good workout in from 1:30pm - 2:30pm.....From the time the kids got off the bus until 5min ago - let's just say a little (ok a lot) Rough.....Sam had a well check Doc appt. at 4pm (as with my doc appt we were on time for the record) - didn't get called back until 10 til 5pm....Max needed to be picked up at 5pm - that didn't happen until 5:20pm.....Alex got picked up for soccer - we're not even gonna go there - Let's just say when I got home (and he wasn't) the front door was standing wide open and the 2 dogs were sitting in the doorway - every light ON (Man in the making) in the house including the T.V. - It was like a sick joke, but no not so much - Parent of the year........Oh what the neighbors must think of the New "people" and unfortunately this story doesn't even come close to the one that happened the first week we moved in.....even scarier I'M DUE WITH ANOTHER IN APPROX 8 WEEKS - ok I'm shaking my head too wondering what in the *&^^ were ya thinkin......You may be wondering where my wonderful husband of 13 years is - OUT OF TOWN - do you seriously think anything of the sort even remotely happens when he's around - I need a drink.....Stop laughing cuz it's not funny (at least right now) - LOL