Wednesday, November 12, 2008


OH my hump day was a doozy to say the least.....Big Girl not only feeling BIG, but feelin anything but good - no pitty party please (I've done this three times before), but it's amazing how one truly forgets - that or I'm just dumb/a REALLY slow learner....In any event, I'm 29 weeks (delivered my last at 36 weeks - shooting for 37 weeks this round - c-section that's how I know)....putting it that way - HOLY ^%$* that's roughly 8 weeks away - yikes!!!!! In all seriousness, it's absolutely a miracle and we're truly blessed - girl or boy (many of you definitely have an opinion - always makes me laugh) as long as the baby is healthy that's all that matters (cuz I ain't no spring chicken - LOL...gave birth at the age of 27 my first time around - never thought I would be doing it again 10 years later - wow)!!!! Did manage to clean my self up a bit (not a lot - no make-up, hat on, deodorant and perfume - gotta smell good) for work.....4 victims at 5:30pm and 6 at 6:30pm. The first class a bit on the quiet side, but all worked very hard, especially the Mother/Son burpees - damn. The second class CRAZY....Diane kicked off the hour (a few minutes late - everyone already swinging away) leaping across the floor announcing her arrival when we soon ALL realized her grey sweats were on backwards - the drawstring flipping in the wind attached to her %^^ gave it away not to mention the pockets - LOl.....we were all in tears - thought I was gonna P myself (that's not hard to do).......Mary couldn't believe her arms were longer than Diane's....Chad had sweat flyin all over....Katie and Mark weren't sure why they came and Barb always adds humor to it was a fun and interesting hour and YES I forgot for the first time to follow through on the assigned burpees (damn oldie but goodie bellers can't for the life of them remember proper form) - no wonder they all had a smirk on their faces upon exiting......

5 sets of 10 swings
body weight squats
3 sets of 10 goblet squats
3 sets of 5 cleans
3 sets of 5 high pulls
3 sets of 5 snatches
ladder of 1-5; swing, high pull, snatch
3 sets of 5 partner straight arm sit up (ouch) - Chad did doubles to be done
3 sets of 5 partner push ups; one bell, hand slap at top
Bear crawls or renegade rows
2 sets of 20 swings
Stretch and out