Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hear Me Roar

Unlike many others, I was soooooo glad the kids did not have school today as I was up at 4am with Sam - croup, shower, etc....We all slept in and wore pj's most of the day - yea! I had a lot of catch up to do and was able to chill with the kids - very fun....We put Max in for a nap after lunch and headed outside - Crap I realized I need to shovel or I won't be heading into work at 5pm....So boys where is the shovel??? Oh we buried it Monday Mom - it's somewhere in the backyard - OK then I guess I'm battling the BEAST of a Snow I said in class tonight and if you know Bob (my wonderful 6'6 husband) we have nothing SMALL at our house - Why Why Why.....So I wheel this thing out and attempt to start it - it's like the lawn mower right??? I have never done it before but how hard can it be....45 min later - I'm now sweating - determined - swearing under my breath....Finally got the &^*( thing started and off I flew - Snow was flying everywhere - the kids laughing hysterically - I pray my neighbors were ALL SLEEPING...I got it done, but I think there was more snow in the garage then out when I was done (finally figured out what one of the 18 knobs on the Beast was for - rotation - who knew)....Finally put the thing away and then couldn't get the garage door shut because of the snow - WHY WHY WHY do I try....LOL!!!! Lisa was ditched by her group yet again and boy she was not happy....she worked her butt off and has done a great job with her diet and water, etc. I am not only proud of her, but inspired by her determination...she never quits or gives up - glares at me, but will fight to the end. She will definitely be wearing the Yellow Sparkly dress (her goal) in Maui in April - you go girl! We had 16 in class - nice job by all! Amanda and Claire hobbled their way in (first class on Monday) - way to go.....Sirius has been a nightmare - can't get the &^%* station right.....Only two showed for the 7:30pm group - the others sick....Michelle and Jenny worked really hard - very nice.....My back and Neck are killing me - Blowing snow BLOWS.....just a week ago on the beach with sun and sand....WHY OHIO???