Monday, February 25, 2008

Back To Reality

SOOOOOO Sorrryyyy! I'm finally back in the swing - WOW!!!! We had a great time in Maui - surfed, beached, burned, swam, hiked, drove, ate, drank - Good times, good times that went too fast!!! We were on a red eye last week at this time - definitely glad I have a bed to sleep in this Monday....Got back to reality and work and laundry and snow and bills and shoes and coats - Why OHIO I ask - of all places in the US???? I was glad to see the baby (missed him like crazy) as he and the dogs were with his Aunt, Uncle and cousins in Michigan. We are in debt forever I believe.....It took me most of last week to attempt to get back to normal (understatement). My partners said I had until today - God Bless you! Unfortunately, I think I'm back in the routine I was able to digress from for 14 days - sure wished everyday was a vacation - wouldn't we all!!!! I did miss everyone (just not Ohio and the weather) and believe it or not my bells! Bob and I borrowed Darlene's pack weight for the trip. It was a great workout, but definitely not the same. Thank you to all of you who stayed dedicated to KB as well as to Molly and Darlene who covered for me - I really appreciate it! Last Thursday and Saturday were a little light, but we kicked into high gear tonight with 4 brand new - 24 in total.....that's a lot of iron - you guys rock! I'm still driving around on a doughnut - flat tire at 9:30pm last Thursday after the girls night out promotion - WELCOME HOME - did I mention a snow storm blew in and I waited for AAA for 1 1/2 hours....I'm hoping to get that fixed tomorrow.....I also had three people ask last week when I was due.......I'M NOT PREGNANT MY TWO PARTNERS ARE....That really sucks, especially when you think you're in decent shape - ok I know I'm bloated from vacation, but come on......Oh Well I'm the proud Mother of three GIANT boys who did a number on my 5'3" body - abdominal wall no more!!!! My next life I'm marrying someone really small (I love you BOB but you're too damn big - grandma was right).....When my GIANT boys are on full ride scholarships or playing pro ball someday I'll be able to laugh, but right now it's not funny!!! If I'm pregnant I'll tell you, please don't ask or I may knock you out - LOL!!!!!