A nice way to start the week! Max and I got a lot done in the morning - the usual catch up from the weekend, laundry, mail, email, color, trucks, play, cleaning, dinner prep....headed to the doc for a check-up (all good - thankfully) - Thankfully got right in and out (they owed me after 2 solid weeks of 1 hour plus wait)....Flew back home - dove in for a quick nap...kids home....quick homework and off with the two older one's for Mr. Mark's cardio kids boxing class! What a great turnout and Mr. Mark - awesome job - the kids were sweating and having a ball - a huge energy releaser - holla!!!! Both boys said they're boxers now - REALLY! Had 11 in the first class and 4 in the second....Nice job by all! Great to see Zach back - Heather made another debut (been awhile) and did super as well. Good to see Stacey and Katie - Chad stood me up (really had to work late so couldn't make it last minute)...Always love having Bob and Dar in class.....
2 sets of swings, ladder; 20, 15, 10, 5.....2nd set back up 5, 10, 15, 20
First class partnered, 2nd class did not - take time - shake down in between
3 sets of 5 double cleans
3 sets of 5 double swings
3 sets of 5 double front squats
3 sets of 5 double swings
3 sets of 3-5 double MP
3 sets of 5 double swings
3 sets of alternating reverse lunge - 6 total or 3 each leg
Partner - velocity swings - 5 sets total - 20 sec partner A, 20 sec partner B - no breaks
3 sets of Renegade rows - 10 total
3 sets of bench press (partner helps with 2nd bell)
1 set of 20 partner throw downs
3 sets of 5 straight arm pull over
20 swings - participant choice
stretch and out
Learned something new from the fur ladies....they went to Cleveland to "pick up" their furs from storage - refrigerated storage....who knew? Climate control or the fur will dry out....learn something new every single darn day....they make me laugh!!!!