It was a really nice weekend as grandma took the boys (it was our Anniversary gift). We missed the boys like crazy, but really enjoyed the time together - it's been a long time - amazing how you get wrapped up in the day to day, week to week stuff....nice to slow down and simply enjoy each other's company! We went out to lunch, dinner and a movie - spoiled! The boys had a blast - Bob's Mom pulls all the stoppers - ice cream for breakfast, sleepovers in the family room, bow n arrows in the house - the ultimate grandma to say the least - sugar em up, have a blast and give em back....they were exhausted and really enjoyed the time with their cousins....Subbed Molly's class this am - very nice group! We mixed things up with some cross-fit, TRX and KB - all did really well! Headed back in tonight - all did really well - no stinkin burpees again - proud of you!
2 set 1 min swings; naked reverse TGU in between
2 set 5 swing, flig, catch, squat; TGU
2 set 5 swing/clean; TGU
2 set 5 clean/press; TGU
2 set 5 pistol L & R; TGU
40 sec on/20 sec off;
TRX seated roll down, KB Russian Twist
TRX crunch, KB straight arm pull over
2 set 10 Doug Style push up
20 swings
Stretch and out.....
Chad said it was a Weird night - LOL....Lots of dirty looks, especially with the push ups......all did well......