Gotup early - breakfast, lunches , school bus and time for the Monday catch up after a crazy weekend! Got a lot done - always a great feeling! Got a shower and headed for the doc for my bi-weekly check-up. Ended up being there for 1 1/2 hours - baby dudley decided to chill out today as opposed to being active which is what doc wants to see. All in all everything looks good. Another big baby on the way! Took a little nap, finished homework and dinner then headed to work. So nice to have 8 victims at both classes - Alex new at 530pm and Heather came back - yea! Tim, Luann, Susan and Karen newbies for class 2 - all did well. Bob flippin cuz feelin strong and swung the beast - very strong - nice job! The fur ladies canceled, but Joann stopped to give me her homemade butter toffee bars - oh yea that got the baby jumpin for joy! Unbelievable! WO
5 sets of alternating 10 swings and sumo dl's
2 sets of 10 bottom up cleans
2 sets of 5 get up sit ups
3 sets of alternating swings and sumo dl's
2 sets of 10 bottom up cleans
3 sets of 4 get up sit ups
30 second hot potato
30 second Russian twist
30 second push ups
30 second v-ups
Stretch and done