Soooooooooooooo Mr. Tod called me out the other night in class "wow you've sure been a slacker lately...what's more blog". I tried to give the usual explanation, but in the end just excuses....Bob always says everyone's got em and they all promises, but I'll try to get a little better as I didn't realize I had such a HUGE FAN BASE - hilarious......anyway - I look like I swallowed a giant pumpkin - here we go.....and I'm only 3 months!!! As I have explained to many and will continue to do - when you marry a 6'6 man you will most likely birth a toddler (which I have proudly done 3 times now) the next life Bob's gotta shrink cuz I'm shootin for under 6' - should have listened to my grandma (just kidden - I would be so sad without my best friend - we're best friends cuz I the boss - ha ha).......anyway I'm starting to feel a little better - the morning hangovers are becoming a little more manageable (If you've been pregnant you know what I mean if not think how you feel the morning after a night of drinkin with the buds)......Classes have been GREAT! Your dedication to BBOM and KB is amazing - chokes me up in a weird way - here we go with the hormones....WE worked doubles this week - swings, cleans, squats, MP, Squat/Press more swings and then more.....bottom's up push ups (40)......renegade rows......more swings...........some stretching and Z......On Monday we did an in and out class....swings inside and walking with the bells outside.........swings inside..................around the building/parking lot and inside for swings - did this for a good 45min - 250 swings in total - YEA!!! Class said just cuz you're pregnant and mean doesn't mean you have to take it out on us - LOL - REALLY???? Everyone killed it! Off to teach this morning.....We leave for the beach a week from today - totally psyched about that - I will miss you all, but I might come back nicer or not, but definitely bigger (that's a given)...............