Friday, January 18, 2013

Not I have too...I GET too Weekday Email

Grace Makes All the Difference

If life is… “because I have to”—where’s the joy in that? Too often I hear folks rejecting Christ because they think the Christian life is all about rules and regulations—all about stifling and suffocating ritual.

This happens when we confuse Christ with legalism. Legalism is joyless because it’s endless. There’s always another class to attend. Inmates incarcerated in self-salvation find work, but never joy!

Grace! It makes all the difference. I like this quote: “Gone are the exertions of law-keeping, gone the disciplines of legalism, the anxiety that having done everything we might not have done enough. We reach the goal, not by the stairs, but by the lift—God pledges his promised righteousness to those who will stop trying to save themselves!”1

Grace offers rest. Legalism? Never!