Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Let HIM in

It’s the repeated pattern in Scripture.  Evil. God. Good.

Evil came to Job.  Tempted him and tested him. Job struggled. But God countered.  He spoke truth; declared sovereignty. And Job, in the end, chose God. Satan’s prime target became God’s star witness.  Good resulted.

Evil came to David and he committed adultery. Evil came to Daniel and he was dragged to a foreign land; to Nehemiah and the walls of Jerusalem were destroyed. But God countered.  Because He did, David wrote songs of grace; Daniel ruled in a foreign land; and Nehemiah rebuilt Jerusalem with Babylonian money. Good happened.

The Bethlehem innkeeper told Jesus’ parents to try their luck in the barn.  That was bad.  God entered the world in the humblest place on earth.  That was good. With Jesus, bad became good like night becomes day; regularly, reliably, refreshingly.  And redemptively.

Evil. God. Good.  When God gets in the middle of life—evil becomes good!