Monday, September 2, 2013

You will get through...

A Mess for Good

Twenty years of marriage, three kids, and now he’s gone. Traded her in for a younger model. She told me her story, and we prayed. Then I said, “It won’t be painless or quick. But God will use this mess for good. With God’s help you’ll get through this.”

Remember Joseph? Genesis 37:4 says his brothers “hated him.” Far from home, they cast him into a pit, leaving him for dead. A murderous cover-up from the get go. Pits have no easy exit. Joseph’s story got worse before it got better. Yet in his explanation we find his inspiration: “You meant evil against me,” he said, “but God meant it for good. . .” The very acts intended to destroy God’s servant, turned out to strengthen him. The same will be said about you. You will get through this!

From You’ll Get Through This