Monday, July 8, 2013

Your cup overflows with Grace

Overflowing with Grace

Do you ever worry that the cup of God’s mercy will run empty? Are you afraid his grace will run out? That your warranty will expire? Are you afraid your mistakes are too great for God’s forgiveness? I wonder if the apostle Paul had the same fear. Before he was Paul the apostle, he was Saul the murderer. Before he encouraged Christians, he murdered Christians. What would it be like to live with that kind of past?

Did Paul ever ask, “Can God forgive a man like me?” The answer is found in a letter Paul wrote to Timothy: “The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (I Timothy 1:14)

God is not a miser with His grace. Your cup may be low on cash or clout, but it’s overflowing with mercy. Your cup overflows with grace!

from Traveling Light