Monday, October 22, 2012

Listen to HIM Weekday Email

It’s Just Like Him
Think for a moment about your world. Remember that voice, that face, that event? Wasn’t there a time for you—maybe the birth of your child? The tears of the widower? The explosion of a sunset? The impassioned sermon? Wasn’t there a time when you heard God speak?

It isn’t the circumstance that matters; it’s God in the circumstance. It isn’t the words; it’s God speaking them. It wasn’t the mud that healed the eyes of the blind man; it was the finger of God in the mud. The cradle and the cross were as common as grass. What made them holy was the One laid upon them.

God speaks to us. He may use a sermon. He may inspire a conversation. He may speak through a song. He may even speak through this brief message. But, isn’t that just like Him? Oh, the lengths to which God will go to get our attention and win our affection! Listen to Him.

“Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (John 1:51)

From A Gentle Thunder