Friday, September 14, 2012

Are you involved in one of those things?

Dawn Andersen Funk
Tuesday at 7:53am ·Life is still very surreal to me. To think, a little over a year ago, we got involved in "one of those things" that made most of our friends and family chuckle and question. Even ourselves we had doubts, but we needed SOMETHING and adding another job just wasn't an option with how busy our kids are. So, yes, we went against the norm, we jumped out of the conformity box, and seized an opportunity that most, like ourselves at the time, really knew nothing about and even doubted would work. I remember telling Brett "if it can just get me off making cookies every night" then that's all I care about. My body simply could not go on, at 40 years old, making cookies every night, but we desperately needed that extra income. So here we are...a little over a year ago, and "that thing"...the one that others behind our backs I'm sure have made fun of us for...well and heck let's be honest even to our faces, has now not only brought me home from a career where I hadn't seen a raise in three years, but NOW MY HUSBAND, who officially gave his two week notice yesterday and is leaving corporate America to come home with me. In just a little over a year, still working regular jobs along the way, doing "this thing" part time, we have doubled our combined salaries. But you know what, it's not about the money, it's about the FREEDOM to design your days, to know that YOUR LIFE, YOUR INCOME is in YOU HANDS...not someone elses:) I'm so honored that TODAY, on 911, I get to share what just happened in our lives, because it is this FREEDOM that so many heroes from the past and still today fight for. It's also about living a life of PURPOSE and knowing that what you do makes such a big impact on other people's lives. If you are one of those people that has time debt away from your family or financial problems, know that there is "this thing" that can RESCUE you, just like it did us. I can't quit dreaming about what our life is going to be like when Brett comes home in two weeks, well I know the first week will be amazing as we relax on an all-expense trip to the Arizona Biltmore and ride in a hot air balloon for the first time, but after that to get our kids off to school together, to read and exercise, pour into our team , and maybe even pick golf back up...I just can't quit thinking about how amazing it's going to be...all because we said "yes" to my old friend from college who I trusted and got to work "doing one of those things!" God bless all of you and may you all find freedom and fortune in your lives)