Friday, April 25, 2008

Update on Bob

Well.........he did it! He flew to St. Paul yesterday afternoon......checked in (they didn't lose his luggage) and made it to the reception......By the time he got back to his room last night he was a wreck! Nervous about the snatch test, his group, others......This morning he called and said he didn't sleep at all......on the bus over to the training center he said it was an out of body experience....before the snatch test he was numb - couldn't feel his legs or anything.....holy shit here we go! Bob completed 44 snatches on the left and 30 on his right - said he felt strong, form was solid....ripped one callous, but was so relieved he could have cared less.....Everyone from his group passed on the first attempt - one guy started dying at snatch 30 - they all pulled together and cheered him on to 74 - Amazing - he did it! Unfortunately, the weather is a balmy 44 degrees and raining so they had to train inside.....Bob actually thanked me because he said the workouts weren't that bad (only because we've been doing several of them in class - helps to have a little of the inside scoop)! He learned a ton and is really pumped - look out!!!! Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive.....he's definitely going to sleep well tonight!!!! I'll keep you posted on his RKC journey........