Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Eve of Day 1

It's been a long time - too long since I've blogged. My News Resolution - to stay committed. In any event, the last 2 months have been CRAZY not only with the excitement of the Holidays, but preparation for taking over BBOM - overwhelming, but quite exciting to say the least! My partners (Heather & Molly) and I pulled together and worked really hard to make it happen. We hit bumps in the road which was to be expected, but continually pushed through.....and here we are - Game On with a new group fitness schedule and brand new babysitting room! I'm so proud to say they're my partners - a true team we are as there is no i in team.....Don't miss out - come check us out - what are you waiting for? Everyone is welcome no matter the fitness level or age....

I must, however, say a word or two about my good friend and mentor, Doug Nepodal (founder of BBOM). We were apart of a wonderful event last night - a surprise party for Doug with friends and family as he prepares to leave for California next week. Doug was completely overwhelmed as he had no idea - way to go Darlene! I can't think of a more well-deserving individual. The food, decor, video, kettlebell cake.....unbelievable. A night I will never forget and am so thankful I was able to take part. I've known Doug for a little over a year and feel like I've known him my whole life. It's so bitter-sweet because I'll miss him so much - he's the very reason all of this is even possible - why I even picked up a kettlebell, decided to get certified and then gave me a chance to teach without a question? Nothing but first class.

We dedicated a plaque (and gave him a duplicate plaque so he doesn't forget us or where it all began) during the course of the night. We're so proud to have it hanging in the gym for everyone to see day in and day out. I know Doug will do great in California - I'm so proud to be an RKC, but having him as a friend and mentor means even more.

Thank you for everything Doug - there are not enough words to express my true gratitude. God Bless you and your family.

Now I gotta get working - time to pay the bills with cast iron cannonballs!!!!!