Monday, January 7, 2008

Day 1

As promised I am back! It feels so good as the first day of our new schedule and venture is done! Molly had 8 people this morning for 6am - a great class by the way - her new nickname "plank girl" - kicked my butt....and the sand ball, bosu.....need I say more.....Heather's class at 9:15am also went well.....thank you to some in her group who had to adjust to a new time and price - all is well. Doug taught his last Monday night kettlebell class - awesome class as well! The place was packed with regulars, newbies and some that have been MIA for awhile.....the energy and comradeship amazing! Babysitting went well. Megan handled my crazy boys - hopefully she shows up tomorrow???? I hope to sleep well tonight....The eve of Day 2 - Baby Boomer Bell - I'll let you know!!!!