I graduated from BGSU with a degree in Communications/Business and have worked in the Corporate world, owned several businesses and have been in the fitness and health arena for 20 years. My husband Bob and I are the proud parents of 4 healthy kids. I am fortunate to be able to stay home with them while I work part-time to share AdvoCare. 2.5 years ago, I was introduced to Spark and then AdvoCare's 24 Day Challenge. At the time, I was drinking a pot of coffee a day, snacking constantly, taking naps and frustrated trying to lose the last 15lbs of baby weight. In 6 weeks I lost 10lbs, 5 inches and went from a size 8/10 to 4/6. I stopped drinking coffee and started making good food choices. The naps disappeared, energy soared and patience returned. Bob replaced his 6-8 a day diet Pepsi habit with Spark and lost 20lbs. We noticed a huge difference with our kids as well by implementing Spark, Rehydrate, shakes and bars. We started sharing AdvoCare and helping others and have been blessed with a team who is doing the same. Because of AdvoCare, we are Better on the inside and out. We are making a Difference....
It amazes me how there is really no competition when it comes down to it.
No competition to work hard. No competition to excel. No competition