Hear this powerful passage from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” (Galations 3:27). We have “put on” Christ. When God looks at us He doesn’t see us; He sees Christ. Wewear Him. We’re hidden in Him; covered by Him. Presumptuous, you say? Sacrilegious? It would be if it were my idea. But it isn’t, it’s His. We’re presumptuous not when we marvel at His grace, but when we reject it. And we’re sacrilegious not when we claim His forgiveness, but when we allow the haunting sins of yesterday to convince us God forgives but He doesn’t forget. Do yourself a favor. Take the Roman nails of Calvary and board up the door. Believe in His loving forgetfulness, in His graciously terrible memory. From God Came Near

Dear Friends, Merry Christmas! We have much to be grateful for in 2013, and you are high on the list! We are grateful for your words of encouragement, your open hearts, your gifts of faithful prayer, and financial support. The opportunities God has provided this year have amazed us! The UpWords radio broadcast airs over 2400 times daily across the US and internationally. Our website,MaxLucado.com, continues to be a ‘hub’ for millions across the globe to access and share encouraging messages of hope in Christ. Perhaps you, like 150,000 others, receive our email devotional each weekday. We are privileged to experience a growing global reach through the broadcasts of GRACE and You’ll Get Through This which air on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). With the addition of the advent series,God Came Near, three series are currently being shown. Since the September 2013 release of the book, You’ll Get Through This, we’ve been privileged to share, with audiences across the country, the truth of God’s faithfulness and provision in difficult times. One of the most exciting things this year was the culmination of several years’ prayerful dreaming about a movie. The Christmas Candle, a beautifully created motion picture made its way into theaters in the United States and the United Kingdom in November. By early December it was also showing in Australia. It is our prayer you will continue to partner with us as we step out in faith, responding to the opportunities God lays before us in 2014. We have prayed for God to expand our global reach, and He is doing so in ways we could never have accomplished without his supply. Thank you for sharing in our vision. We hope you will keep the ministry of UpWords and MaxLucado.com in your prayers. It is our desire, above all else, that God is honored and pleased with our efforts. As you contemplate possible year-end financial gifts, we pray you might consider UpWords. You can donate online atwww.maxlucado.com/donate or by phone at 1-888-764-9606. We also gladly receive snail mail at P.O. Box 692170, San Antonio, TX 78269. May you experience the abundant grace of Jesus Christ in this holiday season! Max Lucado 
See all the One-Minute Devotionals from #ChristmasCandleMovie There’s still time to order for Christmas delivery!