A Hope We Cannot Resist
In a concentration camp, a guard announced a shovel was missing. Screaming at the men, he kept insisting someone had stolen it. He shouldered his rifle, ready to kill one prisoner at a time until a confession was made. As the story continues, a Scottish soldier broke ranks, stood stiffly at attention, and said, “I did it.” The guard killed the man. As they returned to camp, the shovels were counted. The guard had made a mistake. No shovel was missing after all.
Who does that? What kind of person would take the blame for something he didn’t do? When you find the adjective, attach it to Jesus. Isaiah 53:6 says, “God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong, on Him.”
Christ lived the life we could not live and took the punishment we could not take, to offer the hope we cannot resist!
from Facing Your Giants
It amazes me how there is really no competition when it comes down to it.
No competition to work hard. No competition to excel. No competition
11 years ago