Untying Knots
Most of us had a hard time learning to tie our shoes. And, oh the advice. Everyone had a different approach. Can’t anyone agree? On only one thing. You need to know how!
My friend Roy used to sit on a park bench each morning. One day he noticed a little fellow struggling to board the bus. He was leaning down, frantically trying to disentangle a knotted shoestring. He grew more anxious by the moment—eyes darting back and forth between the shoe and the ride. All of a sudden the door closed. The boy fell back and sighed. That’s when he saw Roy. With tear-filled eyes he asked, “Do you untie knots?”
Jesus loves that request. Life gets tangled. People mess up. You never outgrow the urge to look up and say, “Help!” Look who shows up. Jesus, our next door Savior.
“Do you untie knots?” He answers emphatically, “Yes!”
from Next Door Savior
It amazes me how there is really no competition when it comes down to it.
No competition to work hard. No competition to excel. No competition
11 years ago