It's been a year since I posted....where does the time go? It's been a busy one (honestly though who isn't busy....don't care if you're single, retired or married with 100 kids.....everyone is BUSY....can't remember the last time someone told me how BORED they were).....That being said, personal development has been my focus (in addition to my family, 2 businesses, etc) and why I've been absent from here, but from so many......I have spent my time reading, listening to audios and building a team.....focusing on 5 key areas: my emotional, mental, physical, financial and spirtual well being.....some may call it a crisis (39 and holding)....I call it an awakening.....finally starting to live and am so grateful it has happened at this time in my life.....all because one person saw something in me I couldn't I in turn not only have a purpose, but know where I am going and what I want.
One goal of mine is to pay it forward.......The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews (amazing Author and Speaker...have heard him twice now....thank you AdvoCare and Women of Faith) is a book I had the privilege to read this past weekend......I will forever be grateful.....
"You are where you are because of your thinking. Your thinking dictates your decisions. Decisions are choices.....YOU choose....until a person takes responsibility for where he is, there is no basis for moving on" CHEW ON THAT ONE FOR AWHILE.....
Lastly, thank you to my best friend and husband of 15 years for surprising me with an Anniversary getaway this past week....will never forget our time together - we are so blessed......(not sure mom and dad will be recovering any time soon - 4 kids and 2 dogs.....but it was fun.....we asked if they would be available again....they didn't answer and left wasn't a yes, but not a no either......amnesia and we're good.....).....
Your future is what you decide it will be......
It amazes me how there is really no competition when it comes down to it.
No competition to work hard. No competition to excel. No competition
11 years ago