Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Forgiving Spirit

I now understand that forgiveness has value only when it is given away. By the simple act of granting forgiveness, I release the demons of the past about which I can do nothing, and I create in myself a new heart, a new beginning. I will now and forevermore silently offer my forgiveness even to those who do not see they need it. By the act of forgiving, I am no longer consumed by unproductive thoughts. I give up my bitterness. I am content in my soul and effective again with my fellowman.

For many years, my greatest enemy has been myself....I realize today that it is impossible to fight an enemy living in my head. By forgiving myself, I erase the doubts, fears, and frustration that have kept my past in the present. From THIS day forward, my history will cease to control my destiny. I have forgiven myself.

I WILL forgive those who do not ask for forgiveness.
I WILL forgive those who criticize me unjustly.
I WILL forgive myself.
I WILL Greet this day and every day with a forgiving spirit.

Andy Andrews......The Traveler's Gift Sixth decision.....
I am Thankful for these words.......

Monday, December 13, 2010


Passions are the building blocks of Strengths....Strengths are passions plus precision. Bring your passions down to Earth and add specificity.

A must read: Find your Strongest Life - what the happiest and most successful women do differently by Marcus Buckingham......Take the Stronglifetest.com

Imbalance your life....ignore balance and strive for fullness because the core skill of juggling is throwing, not catching. A strong life is the opposite of juggling....it lies in knowing how to draw a few things in toward you.

Lisa I caught your words....
Dina I caught your words....
Gelin I caught your words....
Cherri I caught your words....
Alex, Sam, Max and Lilly I caught your words.....
Bob I caught your words.....

Thank you for filling me up.....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


When you're committed to something and you're passionate about it....


It's easier to make excuses than to find a way to get the job done.....

Thank you Kris Andrew's for writing this in your card to me.....I listened to your gift yet again this morning. I needed a reminder that Eagle's must continue to fly....believe and remember it's the little things that matter.....

I am grateful for all I've accomplished and proud of those making this journey with me.....We continue to move forward....to help.....to support....to grow.....to build.....to share......to give.....to fulfill and be fulfilled......

AdvoCare does Build Champions for those who are willing to do something extraordinary

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dream Big

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born. Dr. Dale Turner

Never Ever Stop Dreaming....
What Do you want? Make a list
What Don't you want? Make a list

Get it Done.....

What are you waiting for?????

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Take Charge

Fear no longer has a place in my life. For too long, fear has outweighed my desire to make things better for my family. Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly. My decisions come quickly, and they lead to victory. I do not fear failure, for in my life, failure is a myth. Failure exists only for the person who quits. I do not quit. I am courageous. I am a Leader. I seize the moment. I choose now....I am a person of Action (the third decision for Success). The traveler's gift by Andy Andrews.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Get in The Boat

"If you are determined to win, you will have to surround yourself with winners"

Don't be discouraged by the people you might choose for your team who talk big but produce little. Keep putting them in the boat to see who wants to paddle as hard as I do......AA

Monday, November 15, 2010

I will Be a Servant to others

My purpose today was spent helping other team members reach their goals....he who serves the most grows the fastest.....

"I will look to open the door for someone not look for someone to open my door"

We've got 24 hours to make it happen.....and it will

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Your future is what you decide it to be

It's been a year since I posted....where does the time go? It's been a busy one (honestly though who isn't busy....don't care if you're single, retired or married with 100 kids.....everyone is BUSY....can't remember the last time someone told me how BORED they were).....That being said, personal development has been my focus (in addition to my family, 2 businesses, etc) and why I've been absent from here, but from so many......I have spent my time reading, listening to audios and building a team.....focusing on 5 key areas: my emotional, mental, physical, financial and spirtual well being.....some may call it a crisis (39 and holding)....I call it an awakening.....finally starting to live and am so grateful it has happened at this time in my life.....all because one person saw something in me I couldn't see.....now I in turn not only have a purpose, but know where I am going and what I want.

One goal of mine is to pay it forward.......The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews (amazing Author and Speaker...have heard him twice now....thank you AdvoCare and Women of Faith) is a book I had the privilege to read this past weekend......I will forever be grateful.....

"You are where you are because of your thinking. Your thinking dictates your decisions. Decisions are choices.....YOU choose....until a person takes responsibility for where he is, there is no basis for moving on" CHEW ON THAT ONE FOR AWHILE.....

Lastly, thank you to my best friend and husband of 15 years for surprising me with an Anniversary getaway this past week....will never forget our time together - we are so blessed......(not sure mom and dad will be recovering any time soon - 4 kids and 2 dogs.....but it was fun.....we asked if they would be available again....they didn't answer and left quickly......it wasn't a yes, but not a no either......amnesia and we're good.....).....

Your future is what you decide it will be......