It was a little crazy last week so I'm sorry I have not posted.....Busy with work, kids, soccer, home, bills, spring cleaning - yaddaaaa yadddaa - you all know the drill! Anyway, I've been able to get out and run with my buds (which has been really nice - wow am I SLOW though - my Ass is floppin and hittin my head - pathetic...).....I also got my 2nd KB class in on Saturday with Bob - he did great! I really wanted to puke and thought I was going to die, but I would never give him the satisfaction....We did another timed workout alternating between two different types of exercises from his RKC book (It didn't seem so hard when teaching in front of the class the hour before - LOL - no wonder the windows and mirrors were completely fogged up).....It felt great - so nice to be told what to do and not to think! We had two nice size classes tonight - outside of course - the weather beautiful! Chad was outnumbered in class 1, but held his own.....A Mother and Daughter showed up (spoke to them on the phone for awhile during the day), but bolted out the door as soon as I presented the Liability form saying sorry for your time we've changed our mind we don't want to do this.....WOW.....In 15 years I've seen and experienced a lot - have even had people leave 1/2 way through a class, but have never had them leave before starting - LOL! The 5:30pm class ragged on me so bad it wasn't even funny - nothing surprises me anymore. Both classes made several trips around the parking lot - back to the basics baby.....swings, cleans, farmers/waiters/rack walks, MP's, halos, squats.....push ups mixed with sling shot.......Becca made me laugh as she wouldn't let her husband Sean finish anything before her......Somehow the class got on a discussion about the size of their children at birth.....Sandy's son weighed 11lb 15oz and her daughter 9lb 10oz - Holy &^%* and I thought my beef cakes were big!!!! Ryan lost his car keys on the golf course at work yesterday - his car is still parked there....You all make me laugh....The fur ladies were hysterical - a funny therapy session.....Joann's mother is in a nursing home (suffering from Alzheimer's like my grandmother).....she tells Joann every time she sees her she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAT. I love you too Mom she says and still hears you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fat - not just fat, but you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mother hears the same thing.........Sad, but funny at the same time - have to keep it light. We shared many stories......Darlene passed RKC in Denmark with Flying colors!!! We're very proud and excited for her....she'll be home Wednesday! Looking forward to another fun-filled day tomorrow....