Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Not Just Mercy, but Grace


We are poor, spiritually for sure; monetarily, perhaps.  We’ve buried our dreams, desires, and aspirations.  Like the mother with Lupus or the businessman in the unemployment line, we’re out of options.

Yet Christ approached us “while we were yet sinners!”  “Will you cover us?” we asked him, and Grace smiled.

Not just mercy, mind you, but grace.  Grace goes beyond mercy.  Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance.  Grace threw him a party.  Mercy prompted the Samaritan to bandage the wounds of the victim.  Grace prompted him to leave his credit card as payment for the victim’s care. Mercy forgave the thief on the cross.  Grace escorted him into paradise.

Mercy pardons us.  Grace woos and weds us. Grace does this.  God does this.  Grace is God walking into your world with a sparkle in his eye and an offer that’s hard to resist!

“Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy,  made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. Ephesians 2:4-5


If you missed “The God Who Stoops,” Episode 2 of GRACE on TBN, you can 
watch it online here:

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Seasons of Life, Part 2 by Jim Rohn

First, life and business are like the changing seasons. That's one of the best ways to illustrate life: it's like the seasons that change. Second, you cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

Now with those two key phrases in mind, let's look at what I consider to be the first major lesson in life to learn, and that is how to handle the winters. They come regularly, right after autumn. Some are long, some are short, some are difficult, some are easy, but they always come right after autumn. That is never going to change.

There are all kinds of winters - the "winter" when you can't figure it out, the "winter" when everything seems to go haywire. There are economic winters, social winters and personal winters. Wintertime can bring disappointment, and disappointment is common to all of us. So you must learn how to handle the winters. You must learn how to handle difficulty; it always comes after opportunity. You must learn to handle recessions; they come right after expansions. That isn't going to change.The big question is what do you do about winters? You can't get rid of January simply by tearing it off the calendar. But here is what you can do: you can get stronger; you can get wiser; and you can get better. Remember that trio of words: stronger, wiser, better. The winters won't change, but you can.

Next is spring. Fortunately, following the turbulence of winter comes the season of activity and opportunity called springtime. It is the season for entering the fertile fields of life with seed, knowledge, commitment, and a determined effort.

However, the mere arrival of spring is no sign that things are going to look good in the fall. You must do something with the spring. In fact, everyone has to get good at one of two things: planting in the spring or begging in the fall. Take advantage of the day and the opportunities that spring can bring.

It is the promise of spring that as we sow, so shall we also reap. Faith further provides to us an irrevocable law decreed in heaven which assures that for every disciplined human effort we will receive a multiple reward. For each cup planted, a bushel reaped, for every good idea given to another, many shall be given to us in return. For every demonstrated act of faith, a multiplicity of the rewards; and for every act of love given, a life of love in return.

Just remember it is a natural characteristic of springtime to present itself ever so briefly, or to lull us into inactivity with its bounteous beauty. Do not pause too long to soak in the aroma of the blossoming flowers, lest you awaken to find springtime gone with your seed still in your sack. Get busy quickly on your springs, your opportunities. There are just a handful of springs that have been handed to each of us. Life is brief, even at its longest. Whatever you are going to do with your life, get at it. Don't just let the seasons pass by.

The third major lesson in life to learn; how to nourish and protect your crops all summer. Sure enough, as soon as you've planted, the busy bugs and noxious weeds are out to take things over. Here is the next bit of truth: they will take it, unless you prevent it.

There are two key phrases to consider with the third major lesson. The first is "all good will be attacked." Don't press me for a reason. I was not in on some of the early decisions, so I don't know why. I just know that it's true. Let reality be your best beginning. Every garden will be invaded. The second phrase is "all values must be defended." Social values, political values, friendship values, business values - all must be defended. Every garden must be tended all summer. If you don't develop this skill, you'll never wind up with anything of value.

But for those who make diligent efforts to plant, protect, and preserve there are not enough birds, bugs, or other obstacles to destroy all the efforts of last spring.

Now, the fourth and season is fall, the time of harvesting the fruits of our springtime labor. Fall also presents us with our fourth major lesson to learn in life, and that is to learn how to reap in the fall without apology if you have done well and without complaint if you have not.

For nothing is more exciting than a bounteous crop, and nothing more dreadful than a barren field in the fall. We must remember that in all areas of the human existence, what we put into this world, we get back from it. It is nature's way of evening the score. So regardless of the results, take full responsibility for your crop. One of the highest forms of human maturity is accepting full responsibility for our lives.

Which brings me back to the beginning of our discussion. We must remember that life is constantly recycling itself. Much of life is about the balancing of two opposites; like the positive and negative charge on a battery. Life's balancing of opposites totally surrounds our lives; man/woman, day/night, good/evil, life/death, water/land, summer/winter, recession/expansion, joy/sorrow, etc.

Yes, I believe we will have major changes, but I also believe we will continue to have just one winter, spring, summer and fall each year. Much of our success will lie in our ability and philosophy to plant in the springtime of opportunity. To weed and cultivate in the testing time of summer, to harvest without apology and/or complaint in the season of fall and to get stronger, wiser, better in the transition and learning times of winter.

Remember it is not what happens to you that determines your future; it is what you do about it.

So here's to a great, faith-filled and prosperous year.

Friday, September 21, 2012

So MANY hurts by Max Lucado

If hurts were hairs—we’d all look like grizzlies!

So many hurts. When teachers ignore your work, their neglect hurts. When your girlfriend drops you, when your husband abandons you, when the company fires you, it hurts. Rejection always does. People bring pain.

Sometimes deliberately. Sometimes randomly.

So where do you turn? Jim Beam and friends? Pity Party Catering Service? Retaliation has its appeal. But Jesus has a better idea!

Grace is not blind. It sees the hurt full well. But Grace chooses to see God’s forgiveness even more. Hebrews 12:15 asks us to, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

Where grace is lacking, bitterness abounds. Where grace abounds, forgiveness grows. Forgiveness may not happen all at once. But it can happen with you.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Personal Responsibility

"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. You don't have charge of the constellations, but you do have charge of whether you read, develop new skills, and take new classes." -- Jim Rohn

Monday, September 17, 2012

Seasons Of Life - by Jim Rohn

Life is about constant, predictable patterns of change. For the six thousand years of recorded history, as humans have entered this world, received parental instruction, classroom instruction, and gathered the experience of life; many have set for themselves ambitious goals, and dreamed lofty dreams. As the wheel of life continues its constant turning, all human emotions appear, disappear, and appear once again.

A major challenge faced by us all is that we must learn to experience the changing of life's cycles without being changed by them; to make a constant and conscious effort to improve ourselves in the face of changing circumstances.

That is why I believe in the power and value of attitude. As I read, ponder and speculate about people, their deeds and their destiny, I become more deeply convinced that it is our natural destiny to grow, to succeed, to prosper, and to find happiness while we are here.

By our attitude, we decide to read, or not to read. By our attitude, we decide to try or give up. By our attitude, we blame ourselves for our failure, or we blame others. Our attitude determines whether we tell the truth or lie, act or procrastinate, advance or recede, and by our own attitude we and we alone actually decide whether to succeed or fail.

How incredibly unique that a God who would create the complex and immense universe would create the human race and give to those humans the free choice that would permit them to select their own achievement or their own destruction.

This strange, but all-knowing God gave to us a delicately balanced sphere called earth. On it, he placed the intelligent human who would either develop it or destroy it. How terribly fascinating that a God would leave both projects - earth as well as humans - unfinished! Across the rivers and streams he built no bridges; he left the pictures unpainted, the songs unsung, the books unwritten, and space unexplored. For the accomplishment of those things, God created the unfinished human who, within his heart and mind, had the capacity to do all these things and more, depending upon his own choice.

Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results. All that we are and all that we can become has indeed been left unto us. For as long as you continue to draw breath, you have the chance to complete the work in and for the earth and for yourself that God has begun for you. In the cycles and seasons of life, attitude is everything!The Seasons of Life, Part 1 by Jim Rohn

"It is the promise of spring that as we sow, so shall we also reap. Faith further provides to us an irrevocable law decreed in heaven which assures that for every disciplined human effort we will receive a multiple reward. For each cup planted, a bushel reaped, for every good idea given to another, many shall be given to us in return. For every demonstrated act of faith, a multiplicity of the rewards; and for every act of love given, a life of love in return." -- Jim Rohn

As I travel around the country and world lecturing, one of the most frequently asked questions is what do I expect to happen over the next 6-12 months and/or even years? Well, I'm no expert, but I can share with you my thoughts. Whether it is preparing for the next few months or the next several years, I still believe there are overriding principals that we should follow and be led by. So I'd like to devote today's message to my view of the period of history we're in now and how it relates to words I wrote over 20 years ago in my book, "The Seasons of Life". Forgive me in advance if I sound a bit philosophical, but as you know by now, I do believe your philosophy is critical to your life's success.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What a God!

Lord God All-Powerful, who is like you? Lord, you are powerful and completely trustworthy. Psalm 89:8

Ponder the achievement of God.
He doesn't condone our sin, nor does he compromise his standard.

He doesn't ignore our rebellion, nor does he relax his demands.

Rather than dismiss our sin, he assumes our sin and, incredibly, sentences himself.

God's holiness is honored. Our sin is punished...and we are redeemed.

God does what we cannot do so we can be what we dare not DREAM: perfect before GOD.

Rather than dismiss our sin, Christ assumes our sin. What does this mean to you?

In The Grip of Grace

Friday, September 14, 2012

Are you involved in one of those things?

Dawn Andersen Funk
Tuesday at 7:53am ·Life is still very surreal to me. To think, a little over a year ago, we got involved in "one of those things" that made most of our friends and family chuckle and question. Even ourselves we had doubts, but we needed SOMETHING and adding another job just wasn't an option with how busy our kids are. So, yes, we went against the norm, we jumped out of the conformity box, and seized an opportunity that most, like ourselves at the time, really knew nothing about and even doubted would work. I remember telling Brett "if it can just get me off making cookies every night" then that's all I care about. My body simply could not go on, at 40 years old, making cookies every night, but we desperately needed that extra income. So here we are...a little over a year ago, and "that thing"...the one that others behind our backs I'm sure have made fun of us for...well and heck let's be honest even to our faces, has now not only brought me home from a career where I hadn't seen a raise in three years, but NOW MY HUSBAND, who officially gave his two week notice yesterday and is leaving corporate America to come home with me. In just a little over a year, still working regular jobs along the way, doing "this thing" part time, we have doubled our combined salaries. But you know what, it's not about the money, it's about the FREEDOM to design your days, to know that YOUR LIFE, YOUR INCOME is in YOU HANDS...not someone elses:) I'm so honored that TODAY, on 911, I get to share what just happened in our lives, because it is this FREEDOM that so many heroes from the past and still today fight for. It's also about living a life of PURPOSE and knowing that what you do makes such a big impact on other people's lives. If you are one of those people that has time debt away from your family or financial problems, know that there is "this thing" that can RESCUE you, just like it did us. I can't quit dreaming about what our life is going to be like when Brett comes home in two weeks, well I know the first week will be amazing as we relax on an all-expense trip to the Arizona Biltmore and ride in a hot air balloon for the first time, but after that to get our kids off to school together, to read and exercise, pour into our team , and maybe even pick golf back up...I just can't quit thinking about how amazing it's going to be...all because we said "yes" to my old friend from college who I trusted and got to work "doing one of those things!" God bless all of you and may you all find freedom and fortune in your lives)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Native Genius

Finding someone's native genius is the key that unlocks discretionary effort. It propels people to go beyond what is required and offer their full intelligence. Finding people's genius begins by carefully observing them in action, looking for spikes of authentic enthusiasm and a natural flow of energy. As you watch someone in action, ask these questions;
1. What do they do better than anything else they do?
2. What do they do better than people around them?
3. What do they do without effort?
4. What do they do without being asked?
5. What do they do readily without being paid?

Multipliers by Liz Wiseman

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Are you building yours or someone else's?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Don't Panic

Next time you're disappointed, don't panic. Don't give up. Just be patient and let God remind you he's still in control. It ain't over till it's over.

The choice is panic or peace...

Let us hold firmly to the hope that we have confessed, because we can trust God to do what he promised.
Hebrews 10:23

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

STOP stressing yourself out

Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy when it comes to stress. Susan Fletcher, a practicing psychologist and stress management expert, teaches these valuable techniques to help alleviate stress in your life:

Don't read into things so much. "Sometimes a look is just a look and a dirty coffee cup is just a dirty coffee cup. It's not a passive-aggressive way to say you are not appreciated," Fletcher says. Don't make things bigger than they need to be—with people or work. Some people make a project bigger than it needs to be in an effort to increase their own value, but they are increasing their own stress as a result.

Learn how to transfer trust. "I really like Stephen M.R. Covey's stuff from his book Speed of Trust. He says people have to be able to trust before they feel it. Just like with your kids when you give them a little rope. And with someone who works for you, you have to let them fail because failure is feedback," Fletcher says. "Don't just say, 'It's easier to do myself.'"

Recognize when you are being inefficient. "People who are stressed get stuck answering e-mails for two hours at the expense of higher-value items that need to be taken care of," Fletcher says. "Don't get lost in inefficient behavior. Ask yourself, 'What's my ultimate outcome I want here and what do I need to get there?'"

Find an accountability partner to help you meet goals. "Choose a friend or a family member—probably not someone who lives with you because you don't want to muddy the waters. It has to be someone you will listen to but who will hold you accountable."

Say no sometimes. "You have to say no to things you might enjoy, but are not in line with where you are professionally or personally at the moment," Fletcher says. Then you can spend your time on what matters to you most.
Read more stress management tips from Susan Fletcher on

Dare to Dream

God can do things that are not possible for people to do. Luke 18:27

God always rejoices when we dare to DREAM! He's made an eternity out of making the earthbound airborne. And he gets angry when people's wings are clipped.

Do YOU have a DREAM in your heart?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012